Monday, December 8, 2014

#28isagoodyear + #Roaring20s

I am completely WIPED you guys. Last week was a long week – but so awesome, as most birthday weeks are. And as I told some of my favorite girls on Friday night, it was probably one of the best birthdays EVER

Birthday week started out with getting my ass kicked during a Thanksgiving Twist and Shout yoga class (thanks babe) where everything I’d eaten during the long holiday weekend was twisted and squeezed out of my pores. Nothing like getting a whiff of your homemade stuffing a few days later. Too much? My apologies. Then we headed to a lunch with the fam (mom had a coupon!) for a quick birthday lunch. My sister in her infinite wisdom picked up a shirt from Target that I’d been looking at for MONTHS – no joke – which sums me up in one sentence “Will Run for Wine.” Amen sister. Then mom and dad surprised me BIG TIME with a remote start for Jean Grey!! She’s going to be so fancy this winter. And I will be as well – with the Olivia Pope NorthFace coat I got from my love. If my birthday had ended there, I would have been pretty damn happy. 

But it got BETTER. I came into work on Tuesday, expecting to see the Elmo piñata sitting on my desk with a party hat – the usual birthday decorations around the office – but I was SO wrong. Apparently there was a whole thing being planned behind my back – and I’m the planner here – and it was awesome. Pictures all over, streamers, signage, free coffee, flowers – you name it. I had it here. It was amazing. And then to make my actual birthday even BETTER, I had some of my best gals come over for a pizza party complete with wine, a super rich dessert, and pajamas, of course. You only turn 28 once so you may as well have your party be the same as your 8th birthday… but with wine instead of Mountain Dew or something. Wednesday night was the annual Scarf Party at El Rodeo – I’m so glad I got invited to this a few years ago. It’s a great time to catch up with some girls who are becoming NEW friends – and to bond over margaritas and chips and queso with longtime friends as well.

And then MORE amazingness happened on Friday – my actual birthday PARTY. We rented out the party room in our apartment complex – complete with a chef’s kitchen and plenty of space to play Cards Against Humanity. I’m so thankful for everyone who stopped by, even for a little while, and especially to those who closed down Carl’s Place with me. Shenanigans man. It was so awesome. I kept saying “this is the best birthday EVER” while we people watched and caught up with each other. 28 is pretty awesome so far, you guys.

Saturday I spent the day relaxing and trying to recoup for my office holiday party on Saturday. That’s right – the one I planned from start to finish, Roaring 20s themed. I was so nervous because this is the first large event I’ve planned. And honestly – there’s no reason I should have been nervous. I had overwhelming praise from everyone there. It made me feel so good that I could pull off something that MAJOR. Plus the Bees Knees cocktail was a HUGE hit… so that helped. And the food. YOU GUYS. I catered through the Tangerine Food Company – a small company made up of two women who have been catering events together for 10 years. It was such amazingly good and simple food – I was ecstatic for how it turned out. After getting everyone home in cabs and shuttles, we headed home. And I need to say a HUGE thank you with so much heartfelt appreciation for my other half this weekend. He was there with my all night Friday – and all night Saturday. He talked with people I worked with that he didn’t know, showed them where to find the photo booth and the bathrooms – and never once complained. He was probably more tired than I was, and was a CHAMPION. It sure is nice to have someone by your side who stays by your side ALWAYS. Even if there were kick ass UFC fights on and he had to miss them to be dressed like a P.I from 1920. Thank YOU.

Sunday was a day of relaxation. As needed. I finished up my laundry and cleaned like a crazy woman. As the week continues I’ll tackle the floors – but you can’t rush things like that. Eew. I’m just so thankful for what an amazing birthday week I had – I really don’t know how anything will top that in the future. Such a fun, amazing week and weekend. And then this week – lots of working out, lots of sleep, and eating all the leftovers in my house because there are SO MANY. Super exciting amirite?

Hugs and kisses guys. Love you all.
PS - watch out for some fun changes coming in 2015!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Time Warp... Friends Forever

You guys. It’s my birthday in less than a month. And let’s be real. I’m not quite as excited about it as I was for my 21st when I could drink (legally). Or my 25th – I could rent a car! Or even my 26th when I FINALLY got to go off my parents insurance (they were pumped.) I think 28 is OFFICIALLY your “late twenties” and that’s kind of a bummer. But no worries. I’m not going to spend my 28th year moping about being old – because I’m not technically OLD. I’m also not going to have a meltdown thinking about where I SHOULD be at this age, compared to where I actually AM. I am pretty damn happy with where I’m at in life. And age is just a number. For real.

When I was in high school, I had it SET in my mind that I would meet my future husband in college, get married as soon as we graduated, and have two kids popped out by the time I was 25. TWENTY FIVE. I was so set on it. And then I realized I was having way too much fun with my friends to worry about settling down and finding a man. And let’s be real (again) – there weren’t many “men” that I met in college. They were all doing the same thing I was – having fun with their friends. Those four years I spent in Ames were hella awesome. I made so many amazing, lifelong friends while I was there. 

Sure, I still have friends from high school – but high school friendships are somewhat forced. You’re in the same activities for enough time that you become friends. After graduation though, a lot of those friendships ended. We didn’t have anything in common anymore. We didn’t play volleyball or softball together for 20 hours a week – we didn’t spend our Friday nights at football or basketball games together. We went our separate ways and literally ran out of things to talk about. But a few friendships from middle school and high school have lasted – or have even been rebuilt. And those are some that I am so thankful for. Friends that have been there for you since kindergarten, since 7th grade, since high school. Those bonds are there forever. Somehow those friendships have remained stronger than ever. Probably because you don’t have to worry about meeting up in between classes at your locker to discuss who got detention or what boy you think is totally cute and how you should TOTALLY ask him to Homecoming. Probably because you’ve grown up TOGETHER and have struggled with this whole adulthood thing together. 

And your college friends. You were from different towns, different states even – and you were FORCED to spend time together in a shitty dorm room, eating crappy dorm food, drinking crappy booze and suffering through your homesickness and terrible class schedule TOGETHER. Facebook was brand new going into college (and the beginning of my super-creeper training) and it was awesome to find people who were living in your building and on your actual FLOOR on there. I’m still great friends with someone I met my first week at Iowa State. After pretty much living together our freshman year and then ACTUALLY living together the next two years, we learned a lot about life together. How guys suck, musicals are some of the best things ever invented, Disney dance parties and photo shoots on Valentine’s Day while you’re single are super embarrassing but also awesome, macaroni and cheese is the best at 2 am, and the fact that sometimes you just need a really good cry watching Garth Brooks videos on repeat for HOURS. Those were the good ol’ days. And yet when we get together now, five years later, things are exactly as they were. 

And those friends that you weren’t friends with for the majority of college for whatever reason – end up being another sister to you. You go through break ups together, make ups together, shitty class schedule, even worse work schedule to top it off, and yet you still have time to eat a whole bag of pistacchios while you watch CSI. You end up being the a bridesmaid in their wedding and you cry as you watch your best friend marry her perfect match in a gorgeous ceremony. Your heart is so full because all you can think about is her happiness. And sometimes they move away from you – but still again, when you get together, things are as they were. And how they always will be.



I didn’t intend for this to get as sappy as it did – and I apologize – I mostly wanted it to be funny so I could compare the plans of my 21st birthday to those of my 28th. Because they are hella different. My 21st birthday consisted of a “formal” house party – meaning heels and dresses (in December) where we played flippy cup, beer pong, and I’m 99 percent positive that keg stands happened in said dresses. There was snow on the ground and I walked through it in my giant Columbia winter coat at midnight to get to the bar on my birthday. I danced barefoot (disgusting) in the basement bar in Ames. The next day I met my family at Hickory Park for my birthday lunch – and I was hungover. And I was 21 and all was right in the world.

For my 28th birthday, I’m going to have a nice, quiet house party – which is in a rented room in our apartment building. After that gets done, we’ll be heading over to Carl’s because why WOULDN’T you go to Carl’s when you can walk there? My outfit plans for the night? Well let’s just say I will not have bare legs, open toed shoes, or spaghetti straps. It’s winter for the love. Plus I have my work holiday party the following night. And I will be surrounded by my amazing friends. Not everyone and their mom at a crowded, sweaty bar after celebrating with the two-for-one shots all night. Gross. 

Does this mean I’m growing up and finally hitting adulthood? Maybe. All the way? I doubt that. Because remember what I said – age is just a number. Your friends and family are forever. They’ve seen you on your 21st birthday while you dance like a fool with your shoes in your purse. They’ve also seen you chug margaritas at their birthday party. They’ve snuggled with you in sweatpants while you order in pizza and watch CSI and refuel for the night to come. It doesn’t matter how old you get. If you’ve got your friends by your side, you have everything in the world.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Creative and Crafty

I scratched it. That itch I was talking about? I scratched it. I crafted. And I had FUN. I spent a lot of last week watching the DIY channel and surfing Pinterest (weird) and found a few things I wanted to do. So on Thursday I spent my lunch scouring the city of West Des Moines for everything I needed. I'm still looking for a few things, but all my projects don't need to get done RIGHT NOW. I got some great deals at Goodwill, Dollar Tree and Michael's and headed home. I poured myself a glass of wine, turned on HGTV, and got at it. Toby wanted to help.

And here's what came about after my crafting... TA DA!! 

After an evening full of crafts, I decided to rest my creative brain for the weekend. Friday was celebrated with friends and the newest X-Men movie and my mission to read ALL the X-Men comics. I'm still in the process obviously. Saturday was full of football and friends and an early bedtime. Sunday was my favorite. It was a beautiful fall morning - just a little crisp and a bright, shining sun. The roomie and I walked up to Smokey Row for coffee and breakfast, and on the way home we decided to take a mini walking tour of Sherman Hill. These houses are AMAZING. I want to live in at least 7 of them. And I definitely want to flip at least another 10. Now if only I had that unlimited budget to do so... Instead of flipping a house, I decided to watch other people do so in Flip or Flop (hello HGTV marathon) and relax. Wonderous. Sunday night consisted of the WWE Divas and some cranberry and apple stuffed chicken, purple potatoes and peas. Noms. And then straight to bed. Snore.

Today you guys. It was a hell of a Monday. No thanks. But what I had to look forward to was my first volleyball game in YEARS. I joined the YPC volleyball league and was so nervous. How embarrassing. I used to be pretty good at volleyball - and maybe a little too competitive. I was put on a team with people I didn't know and loved it. My arms are sore and we went 0-3, but it was fun. So my Monday nights will be full of volleyball for the next six weeks. And maybe I'll bust out those spandex. We'll see. And we'll see if I can actually move tomorrow.

Tomorrow I get to hang out with my long-lost gym buddy who just got ENGAGED! Wine night after we both work is going to be wonderful... we've got lots of catching up to do. Better make sure I get plenty of wine after work... don't want to run out!

Well I'm going to flip between The Middle and Kitchen Crashers and see what kind of dreams I end up with. Stay tuned for more creativity coming from me. It's happening you guys. It's happening.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Craft Itch...

It’s that time of year again kids. That once a year time where I get the craft itch. This craft itch started a few years ago when one of my best friends was getting married. I was to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding and wanted to do something special from the bridesmaids and myself. So I did what any normal girl would do. I logged in to Pinterest and started my search. I found an idea I thought would be super easy – and managed to make it 1000 times harder. This project was for a “Letters to the Bride” where each bridesmaid would write a letter to the bride and send a picture with the two of them as well, put it in a book, put it together and BAM – perfect wedding day gift from the best girls in your life. Easy enough right? Well here’s the thing. I don’t really craft. Like at all. But I thought it would be easy enough to turn this into a scrapbook for her – and do it in their wedding colors. Black and white were simple and classic – this should be CAKE. Until I realized I didn’t have any of the correct tools to make said scrapbook. I had to enlist another friend’s assistance in what to buy – because I had no idea. This was such a stressful project for me. And really it wasn’t THAT hard. Picture, name, letter, glue it together, done. I put it off till the week before the wedding (which actually yesterday was their second anniversary so congrats guys!!) and barely finished it in time for the actual ceremony. On the morning of the wedding, the girls were all eating breakfast together when we gave it to her. Tears ensued (yay!) and I was greeted with “But you hate doing crafts! This makes me love it so much more!” But I hated it. I haven’t done another scrapbook since. I even gave away all the scrapbook paper and stickers and such to my trusted assistant because I bought everything thinking that SOMEDAY I would learn how to scrapbook. Maybe another time. I just don’t have the patience for it. I tried.

Last year’s “craft itch” was less of an itch to MAKE something, and more of a trip to the dollar section at Target (the devil) when their fall décor came out. I ended up with big coffee/soup mugs, some mini scarecrows, a little bin with leaves on it (because why not?), and a little paper pumpkin that I arranged on the island in my kitchen. I also hung up a fall sign that was passed down from my grandma. I bought every Fall smelling candle at Bath and Bodyworks and burned them simultaneously. I didn’t even care if my house smelled like a mixture of Pumpkin Spice, leaves, and burning fire. It was glorious. I attribute my lack of “craft itch” last year to the fact that I didn’t have cable. I had no way to scratch that itch.

This year though – it’s hitting me HARD. I need to scratch this itch. I have actually started planning for crafts. WHO AM I AND WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE NON-CRAFT GIRL?! It started last weekend after a trip to the apple orchard – I immediately wanted to bake EVERYTHING pumpkin flavored, bring out my decorations, carve pumpkins, burn candles, make SOMETHING. I decorated our home with my tiny assortment of fall décor, and immediately wanted more. So once again, I logged in to Pinterest and began my search. And then I wanted flowers. So I held off on my Pinterest search and did some grocery shopping – and stumbled home with a bouquet of Baby’s Breath and a couple Spider Mums to decorate. And some mini pumpkins (they were 3 for $1 so they’re pretty much FREE) and some Indian corn – because WHY NOT. So now I have a beautiful table-scape (thanks Sandra Lee – I love the Food Network) perfect for Fall. And then I turned on the DIY Channel (because I’ve got cable now – do you see a connection?) and started watching Rehab Addict. Now you KNOW I love my weird stuff that would entail “rehab” or “addiction” – aka Hoarders, Intervention, etc. But this type of Rehab Addict is about this bad ass chick who flips houses – and does everything inside them. She fixes the floors, refinishes old furniture, paints, knocks down walls, paints the outside, adds in details. She rules. And I could watch that show for HOURS – and I did yesterday actually. So then I remembered that we currently have an abundance of mason jars at my parents’ house – and wanted to add them to a project for the bathroom. And as I was googling “DIY projects with mason jars” a bajillion websites popped up. And then I found printouts for fall decorations. And then I found more printouts and other DIY things. So now I want to DO ALL THE THINGS.

I’m sure at some point I’ll tire of the DIY-ness, but for now it’s going full throttle through my system. Keep an eye out in the next couple weeks when (hopefully) I’ll be able to showcase some of my talents. Or maybe instead my Scrooge factor will be out in full force with people putting up Christmas trees while simultaneously throwing out their Jack-o-lanterns. You just never know with me. There really is no in between.

Hoping for the best in scratching this itch. And let’s hope I don’t scratch it till I don’t ever want to craft again.

Here’s hoping.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Productivity v Procrastination

Productivity is hard. Procrastination is SO EASY. Last week, I somehow managed to make both happen. Talented? Obviously. I worked out four days in a row – doing FOUR different types of athletic activity. I made myself coffee every morning. I finished THREE books. I did all my laundry. I cleaned the whole house (with help). I made dinner and breakfast that involved more than a microwave or an oven. I followed RECIPES. Oh and I baked. I pretty much dominated my life last week. I was totally winning. Let’s see if I can keep it up this week.

*This was written early last week. As it turns out – I could not keep it up two weeks in a row.*

I had a lazy end of the week last week. I took Friday off so I could get a massage and sleep in. And then the garbage man came at 5:30, and construction in the building across the parking lot started at 6. So about that sleeping in… not so much. At least I got to enjoy an impromptu breakfast date – at the expense of getting locked out of her apartment. Woops. Being a grown up is tough sometimes. And then it was time for massage and I was expecting to relax. But meh. I mean it felt good – but my mind was running in circles, and she touched my feet which I wasn’t prepared for. I mean it ended up feeling good – but still surprised me. And then I was getting my back massaged and the neck/face holder thing clicked down twice. And it was over for me. I was ready to be done. Wandered the mall for a hot minute before heading home to watch some Mad Men and relax. The relaxing ended up with an early afternoon buzz, pizza, and a finished book on my list for 2014. I don’t hate days like that.

Saturday morning came early – and after a quick shift at the yoga studio, I was ready for the afternoon I had planned. I ran to the store to pick up stuff for lunch (grilled cheese and tomato soup), dinner (chili), and some other things as needed. After lunch and a bit of lounging, we headed to Cambridge to visit the Center Grove Orchard. I was hoping to pick some apples and bring home some pumpkins to carve, but I was informed it was “too early” to begin carving pumpkins. Lame. But we brought home a pretty perfect pumpkin we can carve in a couple weeks, a peck of Honeycrisp apples (NOMLICIOUS) and some fun memories from the orchard. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend taking a visit this fall. It was a gorgeous day – and there was so much to do! We went down the giant slide, pet and fed some of the animals (well I did, someone else has a strong hatred to the Devil’s children – aka goats), played with the apple sling shot, and sampled everything apple flavored in their little store. I spent more money than planned – but bringing home some coffee samples and apple cider felt worth it to me. Saturday night was a lazy night in watching some hilarious movies. Please add The Neighbors to your “to watch” list – Zac Efron is hot (and shirtless A LOT), and Seth Rogan is hilarious. Just do it. Trust.

Sunday morning, Toby got grounded. Real early. I think the fact that I was off on Friday confused him (he’s a little slow sometimes) so he thought Sunday was Monday and that we should be up at 6. He was wrong. And got grounded. All day long we tried keeping him awake like he did to us that morning. Except he’s a cat and he don’t care. Ah well. Sunday morning coffee was delicious – courtesy of Center Grove Orchard. I was your basic white girl – drinking my Pumpkin Spice coffee in my yoga pants. The only thing I was missing was a pair of Uggs. Breakfast was homemade with some scrambled eggs, maple sausage links and breakfast potatoes. I started another book to try and recover from my book hangover I acquired on Friday night after finishing Lena Dunham’s “Not That Kind of Girl.” (READ THIS. SERIOUSLY.) I started Vanessa Diffenbaugh’s “The Language of Flowers” out on the porch in the bright sun, and remained there for the majority of the afternoon. I decided to be lazy and skip yoga that afternoon and prep for some dinner – BBQ chicken legs, mashed potatoes with HOMEMADE country gravy (yeah you heard that right) and  green beans. Pretty impressed with myself.

Monday was Monday. We had six new people start in the office, and I was running around like a crazy person until all of a sudden it was noon. The rest of the afternoon was full of catch up – and I got home after work and wanted to do nothing. So I didn’t. I finished up The Language of Flowers, watched Gotham, and went to bed. I wasn’t even mad about it. Tuesday was Monday it seems. I ended the day with a brisk walk/bitch sesh downtown and back home, an episode of Mad Men, and a Boston Lager. The rest of the week shouldn’t be too crazy – except for tomorrow when we are hosting/sponsoring TechBrew. A networking event – yeesh. Let’s hope I’ve improved since the last one! I think it will be great – and an even better way to get our name out there. Fingers crossed it goes off without a hitch!

Next week you guys – whoa. So much to do and seriously SO LITTLE TIME. More new hires, orientation for Mentor Iowa, Book Club, Dog Day (best day of the WHOLE YEAR), volunteering at Animal Lifeline, holiday party planning, blood drive logistics, Halloween party planning… and sleep. At some point. Before I know it, October will be done, November will be here, and Christmas decorations will be up at the mall. And I will be a scrooge. At least until December 3rd, when I’ve celebrated my 28th birthday and will allow my friends and family to put up their Christmas decorations. My apologies to those of you who LOVE Christmas and put up decorations the minute you feel a chill in the air. Celebrate one holiday at a time, please and thank you. Halloween is awesome, Thanksgiving is wonderful, and Christmas isn’t until THE END OF DECEMBER. **End Rant**

And that’s all I’ve got for you today. It’s Hump Day (phew) and the end of the week is near. Keep your heads up kids – you can make it.

Peace and love. Mwah.