Monday, August 19, 2013

Positively Positive

Guys. I’ve been SO BAD at blogging lately. I’m not impressed with myself. Like at all. I don’t want to make up excuses… but I’ve been REALLY BUSY doing REALLY AWESOME THINGS. I’ve also been doing a lot of working… but I really shouldn’t make up excuses. It’s hard for me to sum up the last month – yeah… it’s really been that long – in a blog entry… especially since I get wordy as is. I’ll just recap the great stuff I’ve been up to.
Since my last posting on July 15th… here’s what’s happened. (That's SO LONG AGO)
·         Ate my weight in carbs at the Italian Festival
·         Road-tripped to Minnesota to see NKOTB, Boyz II Men, and 98 Degrees in concert
·         Attended and LOVED a couple Yoga In the Glen get-togethers
·         Relaxed for some Yoga in the Park at Gray’s Lake
·         Got my butt kicked at some Lululemon yoga events
o   **Sidenote: I haven’t ONLY been doing yoga the last month, although there’s plenty of it
·         Ate lots of sushi – good and bad
·         Got recruited for a new job (and accepted!)
·         Took a couple days off just for ME
·         Attended a Chive meet up and people watched my ASS off (go to and see what I mean)
I’ve had lots of positives happening in my life lately and it makes me smile. I know there will be plenty of negatives to follow, because that’s how life goes. What goes up, must come down. But at this point – I’m prepared for it. I have a great support system through my friends and family and so far they’ve backed me on everything I’ve done. That makes it much easier for me to be happy and stay positive.
I’ve been doing my share of creepin on the Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/every other annoying form of social media lately, and I really like the positivity I see. Sure – there’s plenty of negativity and plenty to annoy the shit out of me. I’m trying really hard to not let it get to me – because obviously it’s their life and really has ZERO EFFECT on me so it SHOULDN’T bother me – but sometimes it just happens. Let me get back on track… positivity. Seriously though – I love what I see. And sometimes it’s the little things – like someone getting their Starbucks paid for by the person ahead of them in line. And sometimes it’s the bigger things – like getting a “thinking of you” gift from a friend because of something major happening in your life. Maybe it’s all the yoga I’ve been doing, but I feel like I’ve been happier, calmer and more forgiving lately. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve just had a positive outlook on life because my life has been looking up. Maybe by the time 2014 rolls around, I’ll finally have my shit together. And maybe not. But I’m positive and hopeful about it.
It makes me happy when I see other people happy. I like when people are happy because they aced their first test of the semester. Or when they got a new pair of running shoes that helped them run a million miles that week. I like when I see people getting engaged, having babies, buying homes/cars/pets. I like all that positivity. Sure it can be annoying – but they’re positive life events out in the open for others to see as well.
I didn’t realize this was going to get into a motivational post about positivity… but here you have it. I’m POSITIVE I will get back on board with my posts – and will continue to tell you about the awesome and not-so-awesome things I’ve been doing. Maybe I’ll bore you with the icky sushi I ate – or excite you with the fact that I can do the Crow Pose in yoga. Or maybe vice versa? But I am POSITIVE that I will get into your head at some point and make you think.
A couple little words of wisdom were found on a sign (that I have on hold at Francesca’s and am picking up tomorrow) that really tie in with my positivity jargon I’m using tonight. So here you have it:

“Live by the sun, love by the moon.”

A rotation of happiness – live and love continuously, all day – every day. For the rest of your days. If this is what yoga does to my mind and soul, then I’m going to forever be a yogi. I love this.
Live, laugh, love –