Monday, December 23, 2013


Merry Christmas Eve Eve today lovelies – I hope you’ve already eaten your share of sweets and gotten a tummy ache before the actual holiday arrives. That may have been me the last couple days at work. I can’t help it! When someone brings in snacks, why WOULDN’T I eat it all? I’ve been nicknamed the Candy Monster, because I love candy (duh – who doesn’t?) and any kind of sweets. I just can’t stop. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Blood in, blood out homie. Totally off topic – my bad.

Wait wait WAIT. I forgot about the AWESOME news I heard this afternoon… there’s a new yoga instructor in town WOOP WOOP! Nope – not me… maybe someday… but it’s officially official TODAY… Shayne is a brand new yoga instructor!! The audition was last week and it obviously went well since they want him to come teach. I’m SO proud of all the hard work he put in – mentally and physically – to get to where he is now. And now I have more classes to go to… and I’ll pass along the schedule as soon as I get it so you all can join in to the yoga community!

This past week was actually not THAT busy. I worked my normal Monday night (last week’s blog was brought to you during my front desk shift, as is this one) and Tuesday I had zero plans. Fighting Burrito got in my belly – it’s almost as good as it was in Ames – and then I watched a few episodes of The Office (my latest Netflix conquest… more on that later.) After the audition, we watched Elysium (SO good) and other crappy TV. Wednesday night was twin date night (long story short – one of my friends since kindergarten and I “look alike” per our dads – basically we both had blondish hair and wore a hat so we clearly were identical) at the Gramercy Tap. A yummy chicken burger with jalapeno cranberry mayo (sounds weird but it was delish) and a couple Tank 7’s later I was home watching a little bit more of The Office. Okay – so here’s my deal with The Office. I didn’t watch it when it was on, I just always heard people talk about how good it was. The first few episodes I wasn’t that impressed – until I got hooked on the Jim and Pam relationship. And now – I love it. I just finished up season 3 last night (I pretty much watched the entire season yesterday) and they are FINALLY going on a date. HOORAY! Is it weird how invested in their relationship that I am? I mean – it’s like me being invested in Lily and Marshall’s relationship from HIMYM or Blair and Chuck from Gossip Girl. Does that mean I watch too much TV? Nah probably not. Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Thursday night’s festivities consisted of lazing around watching Cops – that show is just INSANE. I was enjoying the lazy night because I knew the rest of the weekend wouldn’t allow for it. Friday was a crazy day – our president’s last day – and we were having a roast for him at the end of the day. Around 2:30 we headed to HyVee to pick up a man bouquet (a little plant in a basket with a 6 pack of Iowa beers) and enough beer for everyone to have a couple during the roast. The afternoon flew by and the roast was pretty hilarious. I haven’t been with the company long enough to really have developed a relationship with him, but it’s amazing to see the impact he’s had on people who have worked with him from the beginning. And who knows what the future will hold – maybe I will end up working for him again!

After the roast, I headed to the mall for a 6-11 shift. I HATE the malls during the holidays and the mall was nuts that night. Plus – holiday hours. Which means the mall didn’t CLOSE until 10, rather than 9. Lame for sure. I made it home around 10:45 and crawled straight into bed – only to be awoken at 7 am by the devil children upstairs. Before I move out of that place I WILL be leaving a passive-aggressive note on their door that says something along the lines of “control your children please” or “don’t give them a bowling ball at 7 am to drop through the ceiling on a Saturday morning.” One of those two. We’ll see. After my rude wake up call, I made some coffee and trekked across the parking lot to PLY. I put in my three hour cleaning shift and brought a newbie into the 11:30 freebie class. After the great sweat/stretch session, we headed to Palmer’s for an Apple Orchard sandwich (noms) and some chats. After lunch I headed home because I needed to prep for the Ugly Sweater Birthday Bar Crawl that would be happening later that night. Plus I was going to be playing “college girl” and pre-game and get ready at the same time. I needed a little time to decompress before shenanigans. And let me tell you – shenanigans were had. Who says turning 27 is lame? That shit was fun. I got to catch up with some people I haven’t talked to in forever, met some new people, and realized that I am WAY too old to be doing that. But it was so so fun! Plus – any chance you have to dress up is something you should ALWAYS do. Yay theme parties! (Sigh… I miss college.)

Sunday I was WORTHLESS. After waking up at 8 am with a nasty headache, I took some ibuprofen and headed outside to brush all the snow off my car. By the time I had to leave for work 3 hours later, the property management team still hadn’t cleaned off the sidewalks. After an hour at work, and plenty of people in the parking lot I wanted to punch, I got to go home. The store was SO DEAD and there were way too many people working. So I came home, sat my ass on the couch and DID NOT MOVE until it was time to go to bed. After season 3 finished. Rough life eh? Sometimes you need a day to do zero thinking. It’s healthy.

While I was working today, I tried to do a little organizing and de-cluttering. I’ll soon be taking on new responsibilities and felt I needed to be a little more organized at my desk. And that got me thinking about de-cluttering more than just my desk. I needed to clean out the clutter in other areas of my life as well. My apartment, my email, my social media – all could use a good cleanse. I’ve found myself becoming annoyed with a lot of things lately – mostly involving stuff I see on Facebook. It used to be such a great “networking” tool – aka finding people who lived on the floor of your dorm and creeping on them – and now it just seems like a sounding board for people to either brag or bitch. And those who bitch are the ones who annoy me. It’s usually petty crap that doesn’t really matter in the long run, maybe something that made you mad and then you forget about two weeks later. In hopes I don’t sound like a dick (although I’m sure I will) – stop complaining. Your life really isn’t THAT bad. Most people DON’T care and you’re really only writing it to vent. Just a thought – Facebook is NOT your diary. If you want to vent about something that made YOU mad and affects ZERO other people, write it in your diary. Stop bitching. [End Rant] And back to the clutter – or the process of de-cluttering. Think about that. Do it in your own life. What can you get rid of that doesn’t serve you in some way? Something else I’m slowly doing – unsubscribing. I wake up in the morning with 15 emails about literally NOTHING and I get them periodically through the day. They’re eating up battery on my phone each time I check them, and they’re all so unnecessary. UNSUBSCRIBE. I have a feeling there is going to be a mental de-cluttering coming up soon in my life – we’ll see how this turns out. I bet I makes me happier. And if you get more happy than you already are, why not do something to supplement that?
Spend time with your friends and family this week, next week, the rest of 2013. Let’s go into 2014 with a bang and kick some ass.

Take some names while you’re at it,


Monday, December 16, 2013

The Best

Happy Monday lovelies – hopefully it’s a good Monday, and not a Monday where you have a case of the Mondays… make sense? Hope so. Today was the first day it actually sunk in that Christmas is NEXT WEEK. I mean – I realize if I would have thought that last week I would have been wrong, but you know what I mean. It’s crazy how fast this year has gone. And in THREE weeks, I will hopefully be soaking up some rays in Hawaii!! I can’t wait to have a week to relax – not that I won’t miss you all TERRIBLY, but for realz – beach. Sunshine. RELAXATION. It’s going to be AWESOME.

Wanna know something else awesome? And probably a little unbelievable for those of you who know me pretty well? I am almost DONE with my Christmas shopping. Usually by this time of year – I haven’t even STARTED. I spent yesterday running around town doing some Christmas shopping and getting decorations for my tree (it’s so cute) and wrapped them all last night while watching Season 2 of The Office. I’ve even got the wrapping paper coordinated to who it’s going to and where I need to bring the gift. As I re-read that last sentence I’m confused at who wrote it – because it totes doesn’t sound like something I would do. But I’ve got my tree up and decorated (AWESOME deals on everything), presents purchased and wrapped, and I still had some time to finish up some laundry and clean my DISASTER of a kitchen. I guess that’s what happens when lots of cooking happened the past few weeks.

As I told you all last week, the week BEFORE I had baked 4 dozen sugar cookies and frosted them for the Woodward Academy boys. After that I decided I didn’t want to bake anything for the rest of the year. Yes I realize that only gave me a few weeks – but come on now. 4 dozen cookies is a lot. And it’s exhausting. And a lot of clean up. Mostly that part. So last week, we had book club and I volunteered to help bring some snacks. I got to use my new mixer and food processor to make my snacks – pickle dip and Oreo balls. The Oreo balls were AMAZE-BALLS (I hate that saying – but it fit so I had to, my apologies) and I had get rid of them the following day so I didn’t have them in my possession any longer than necessary. I mean – Holiday Oreos, cream cheese frosting and almond bark – why WOULDN’T you devour them in one sitting?? And then after I stuck those in the fridge I started on my pickle dip. Now my mom makes THE BEST pickle wraps – for realz, I could eat those in one sitting too – and mine never turn out quite as pretty as hers. So I decided I would just make those wraps into a dip. I chopped up my baby pickles, tossed them in the food processor to make even smaller, and then threw those, some cream cheese and ham into the mixer. And boom shaka laka – pickle dip! I still have some of that leftover – no way I’m sharing that. Except I need some more crackers… I’ll put that on my list to get tomorrow. Noms. Oh and in case you weren’t already jealous enough of that awesome food – I got to watch Despicable Me 2 AND Fast 6 while all that was happening. Because sometimes it’s fun to be 5 years old and sometimes you need to cry over Paul Walker.

I went in for my 6 month follow up on my brain – still no aliens – and they drew some blood while I was there. (Vampires.) Then I got a call from the office that said I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. Come on now. Thanks for sharing, Dad. Wah wah, so now I’m on medication for that. I’ll definitely do what I can do to help lower that number, but still – meds. Dumb. So I’ve got thick blood and the health of a 60 year old man. Turning 27 blows. Instead of my metabolism stopping (which I sure hope that didn’t happen either) I aged 30 years instead. Lame. Ah well – looks like working out and eating healthy WILL NOT be a choice for me. Sometimes I wish I still had the health I had when I was 17 – or at least that metabolism. I mean – I could eat half a large pizza, nachos, and a 48 oz Mountain Dew and still never fluctuate weight. Working out for two hours a day sure helped that out. Stupid college and drinking. And getting older and wanting to sleep instead of workout. Growing up is stupid.

Saturday night was my office holiday party – I was pretty excited to go considering I’m still fairly “new” to the office, and it would fun to see everyone NOT in work attire. The dress was “cocktail” so clearly I thought it was appropriate to dress like a 1950s housewife – pearls and all. The party was the Embassy Club West and we had one of our co-workers husband’s bands play while we were there. Lots of yummy appetizers and stuff to snack on too. After everyone had had their share of pricey drinks, the party slowed down but a lot of us met up at Blue Moon to close out the night. And people were RIDICULOUS. We had one of our sales girls act as a human pole while a few of the managers danced on her, and then later she fell off the stage. I’ve got a video on my phone as proof. Sometimes it’s fun working in HR. But look how cute we look! And we got to home with some party favors – logo’d stemless wine glasses. Yay swag!
Closing out 2013 and getting ready to head into 2014, I’ve got some ideas. Things I want to do, experience, conquer. I didn’t do nearly as many things on my list for 2013 as I’d planned, but I can always carry them over into next year – and that’s my plan. I want to do something that scares me, improves me and makes me happy. I don’t want to play it safe in 2014. I’ll be coming into something new beginning in January – and that scares me. It also excites me – and I can’t talk about it. Not yet anyway. Stay tuned till late January for more details…
Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing. ~Hunter S. Thompson.
I know January is a time of resolutions and goals – most that people will forget about or quit doing by February. But this year – I’d like to REALLY follow through with them. I’ll be coming up with a new to-do list for 2014, some will carry over from this year, but there will also be some new challenges for me. And I’m ready. Some physical challenges, mental challenges, and personal challenges. I can’t wait to share these with you and to have you follow my journey.
And one more challenge – I challenge YOU to challenge yourself. That’s one of the best ways to make you the best YOU, that you can be.

Love and best wishes,


Monday, December 9, 2013

The Cookie Debacle of 2013

Well ladies and gentleman – it’s officially been a year. I’m officially a year older, and my blog is officially a year old. It’s CRAZY how fast time has gone. I look back and think about how much I’ve done over the last year, and realize how much more I get to do in the future. How awesome is that? So far, I’d say 2013 has been pretty great. I tried new things, met new people, got a new job, and found new passions. I may not have hit all my goals, but there’s always the rest of my life to make those happen.

I had a busy pre-birthday week – I mean it was Thanksgiving week, so that makes sense. I worked Monday and Tuesday nights, had Wednesday night off, then Thursday was Thanksgiving. I ate my weight in delicious and amazing food, then had a quick early birthday celebration where I got really exciting gifts from my family. A gift card to the Half Price Bookstore (AWESOME), a food processor, a mixer that can be turned into a HAND MIXER, jeans, and a trip sometime this year to make my own WINE. Seriously – so cool. Turning 27 seemed pretty fantastic so far. After opening those, I headed home for a quick nap so I could get all ready for Black Friday madness. And actually, it was Black Thursday since I went in to work at 7:30 Thanksgiving night. I thought about staying out with the crazies to shop once I got off at 12:30 am, but then I saw the BAZILLIONS of people out at the mall and I thought mmmm betta not. I went home and went straight to bed, only to be awoken by the pitter patter of ass hole children from upstairs at 7 am. Not cool. I helped with the moving around of furniture from our storage unit for a while and then grabbed some yummy Palmer’s chili and an Apple Orchard sandwich (seriously the BEST sandwich there – it has turkey, apple butter, and apple slices on yummy bread – NOMS), cracked open a beer, and relaxed. I had to be back at work at 5:30 so a nap was obviously also in order. That night took FOREVER and I didn’t get home till almost 11. What a long ass day. Saturday morning are woke my butt up to head to Power Life for my trade shift, zen-ed out for an hour, grabbed some lunch and headed to the East Village for Small Business Saturday. Basically – it’s just a great excuse to check out all the awesome little shops down in the East Village that I forget about. It was a really nice day, so I didn’t even bother with a coat for most of the afternoon. To warm up a little bit, we ducked into The Up Down Bar for a little while. Now – this place is pretty new, and totally fantastic. It looks like a 1980s basement (or so I’ve been told) – complete with movie posters and console TVs. But the best part – ARCADE GAMES. Now I’ve never been much of a gamer, but there’s something about an old arcade game that makes me happy. Maybe it was the fact that I was carrying around a Winter Lager with me while I played pinball that made it that much more funner. Or maybe it was playing Ninja Turtles for a straight 30 minutes. Or maybe it was the fact that I totally kicked ASS at Mario Kart on N-64. Not really – I was actually pretty terrible, since SOMEONE stole it and held it hostage in Cedar Falls, I haven’t gotten a chance to practice. But now that it’s back closer to me – I’m on it. The rest of the night was full of adorable Miller High Life bottles and UFC fights. Sunday was a lazy morning and then a Friends-giving celebration that evening. I stuffed myself in 30 minutes and wanted to sleep immediately after. It was nice to see people I hadn’t seen for months and to catch up with them. I slept like a rock that night – pretty sure I didn’t move until my alarm went off. And at that point – it was my birthday!

I woke up to texts and Facebook messages wishing me happy birthday – and calling me an old lady. I didn’t feel any older – but then that usually doesn’t happen THAT DAY. I went about my day as normal, heading into work where I received a couple happy birthdays. And after work was when I got to officially celebrate. I didn’t work that night so I had a full night to celebrate ME. I was definitely surprised by the two “firsts” I received that night – I got some gorgeous red roses (which Toby immediately began chewing on) and some sparkly jewels! Birthstone jewels at that… I LOVE them. I pretty much haven’t taken them off since Monday – except to shower. After I took some pictures with my pretties, we headed out to Tumea’s for dinner – and yum. Raviolis, red wine, Chicken Diablo and cheesecake – that makes for one SUPER happy girl. After dinner, we headed to Wellman’s for a little while – because I could and it was my birthday so I could do whatever I wanted – stopped at Gateway Market and we were in for the night. Watched some HIMYM and went to bed. And that my friends – is how you spend your 27th birthday.

Tuesday morning I spent four hours ringing bells for the Salvation Army at Dahl’s. Each year, we get 8 hours of volunteer time where we can volunteer somewhere (usually our Community Involvement Committee organizes these events) – and still basically get paid for our work day. Awesome deal right? We got a free trip to Bang Bang Mongolian Grill too that day, which was awesome since I needed some heat to warm me up from ringing the bell! Tuesday night was the annual Scarf Exchange and I ended up with yet another super cute scarf. I’ve gotten lots of compliments so far and I’ve only had it a week! Prior to the party, I mixed up some sugar cookie dough to make FOUR DOZEN cookies later that night. I volunteered to make these for the Woodward Academy boys – they were needing 256 dozen total cookies, so I thought I could handle making 4 dozen. Or so I thought. So the recipe was easy enough, and I thought I’d use my new mixer. Easy peasy. So here’s all the debacles. First off – baking powder and baking soda are NOT the same thing, so I had to hurry my happy little ass to the store to pick up some baking powder. I put my butter in the mixing bowl and was getting ready to scoop in some sugar when OH SNAP – my measuring cup handle breaks off. Awesome. I keep mixing and adding stuff together, and realize that as I’m adding in my flour that this dough seems pretty sticky. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I forgot to add the eggs. Son of a bitch. So I added the eggs and was getting ready to add in the last bit of flour, when I realized that I had been using the half cup WITH the handle, instead of the whole cup WITHOUT the handle. Blerg. After it was all mixed up I went to put it in the saran wrap to stick in the fridge for a couple hours – and turns out, I didn’t have any. Wax paper had to work because I needed a margarita RIGHT MEOW. Gah. They turned out well and tasted good, they weren’t the prettiest – but when you get 2.5 dozen cookies to yourself like these boys did, I wouldn’t be picky at all.

The next few weeks are going to FLY BY and before we know it, BAM – 2014 will be here. I plan to enjoy these next few weeks to its highest potential. Book club is Wednesday night, I don’t work ALL WEEKEND, and I have some holiday decorating to do. Plus – I have a growler full of Rauchbier sitting in my fridge that I’d love to have a glass of while decorating a Christmas tree.
A post about finding the beauty in every day - simple ways to slow down and focus on gratitude, abundance and joy every single day from One Perfect Day.
Remember that. Just because your day wasn’t AWESOME, doesn’t mean that something awesome didn’t happen or won’t happen. I got to work today, a Monday morning that everyone dreads – and I had an email from the woman organizing the cookie gift for the boys. She told us that there were 8000 cookies for the boys and this was their biggest turnout yet. How great is that? Starting off your blah Monday with such awesome news like that. It really set the precedent for my day. Remember that. Something as simple as a happy email can completely turn your day around.
Eskimo kisses,

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy and Thankful - Tis the Season

Hello my lovelies and happy hump day! Wait… that’s not right. It’s really Monday… and just FEELS like hump day since it’s a three day week WOOP WOOP! So TECHNICALLY it’s Wednesday… right? Sure – we’ll go with that. Whatever gets you through the week. And then Thursday is TURKEY DAY! The day where you hang out with family, eat four times as much as you normally would, and then shop till you drop the following day. Or that night – because now the malls are open on Thanksgiving night. How ridiculous is that? Ridiculous enough that I will be at the mall at 7:30 pm to work until 12:30 am. That’s how ridiculous. I’m not super impressed – except for the fact that I get paid time and a half. So that part isn’t too bad. And I have all day Friday to do whatever I want – until I go back to work at 5:30 that night. Someday I’ll learn that it’s OKAY not to be crazy. Someday. I feel like my mom when we were growing up. She always had a sit down with us around this time to say it’s “mom’s crazy hours.” Basically – that meant she was working through the ice show, state drill team, state basketball, state wrestling… etc. (Did I miss anything?) And that also meant dad was in charge so we had to be on our BEST behavior.

Wednesday was the first night I didn’t have to work – so I decided to steal a recipe from Iowa Girl Eats and make some Baked Popcorn Chicken, Asparagus and Cajun Style Rice. I am TOTALLY making that again. Especially because of the homemade Maple Honey Mustard dipping sauce. NOMS. It’s been kindly suggested that the next time I need to put MORE HONEY in it… noted. Because seriously – you can’t go wrong with too much honey. It’s a natural, delicious sweetener – and tastes AWESOME with peanut butter. Check out how DELISH this looks! Pretty proud of myself. Took a little longer to actually make my own popcorn chicken – but it tastes WAY mo’ betta than the frozen stuff. Again – noted.
Thursday I tried my hand at crockpot potato soup. BIG FAIL. I mean it tasted okay… but not what I expected. It ended up kind of being a “garbage soup” – a little of this, a little of that, mix it all together and BAM – delicious. Wrong. I have another recipe I want to try, more work – but still is supposed to be amazing. Next time.

Friday night was a mutual consensus to skip yoga (there was a guest teacher in town so I really SHOULD HAVE gone… but I was having a fat day and didn’t want to put on yoga pants) and go see Catching Fire instead. I know I know, I was going to reread Catching Fire before I saw it in theaters, but when propositioned with Bordenaro’s Pizza and beer, I really can’t say no. (Except that the pizza had goobers on it… mushrooms and olives… it was still yummy.) And the movie – HOLY CRAP IT WAS SO GOOD! I totally want to go see it again. I can’t wait till the next book is made into a movie… I love it! And I started reading Catching Fire today while on my ellipticalling lunch – so before I see it AGAIN… I’ll make sure I’ve read the book, again. The books are ALWAYS better than the movie – but these movies are hella good. And Katniss – damn. I need to wear my Katniss braid some more just to remember how awesome she is.

Saturday was a LONG day. A four hour shift at the yoga studio, an hour of sweating it out with 30 of my closest yogi friends, and then another 4 hour shift at the mall. I needed to relax a little bit after that – but then met up with the newly graduated yogis from the completion of their teacher training. CONGRATS NEW YOGIS! I can’t wait to take your classes J We started the night at Exile – drinking some Rauchbier and Gigi and INHALING their dunk-dunk sauce. After leaving, we continued on to the Locust Tap (sensory OVERLOAD) and finished the night at The Saddle. More sensory overload. Those yogis sure know how to have fun.

Yesterday I was WORTHLESS. Well – except for dress shopping for yet another wedding. It was good to see all the girls and try on some pretty dresses – and we found the dress! We said yes to the dress! (That’s a direct quote from last Monday’s blog.) And now again, onto the fun stuff of shoes and jewels. I’m really excited to see how these wedding pictures turn out – they’re going to be so pretty! Yay for friends getting married! After dress shopping, I picked up some Taco Johns, came home and crashed. I watched a couple episodes of Hoarders, crawled in bed and slept for an hour. I lazed around the rest of the day and it was AWESOME. I watched Love, Actually (one of my FAVORITE movies), more Hoarders, and then decided I should be a grown up and make some dinner. I saw a recipe for Bacon Mac and Cheese, so I thought I’d just whip that up real quick. On that note – I baked my bacon again and that is seriously the BEST way to cook bacon. It’s crispy, tasty, and the clean up is SO EASY. Anyway – if you haven’t tried baking your bacon – try it sometime. Just put it in the oven unheated, turn it on to 375 and it cooks as it warms up. I LOVE that way of doing it. Back to the mac – it was also AWESOME. I have a ton leftover, which is fine because I’ll definitely eat it all week. Or at least for the next two days. Plus I threw in some dried peppers all crushed up so it had a little bite to it. Check out the yumminess!!

I finished off my lazy Sunday with James and the Giant Peach on Netflix. I forgot just how bad that movie is… but I still watched it anyway. Sometimes you just need to get back to your childhood. Speaking of childhood, I just found out that it has been 20 YEARS since Mrs. Doubtfire came out. How crazy is that?! I still love that movie – even when I watch it now. Robin Williams and Sally Field – how can you really go wrong there?! But that totally makes me feel old. 20 years?! Gah.

Next week I’ll be reflecting on the past year – my 26th year – and what I accomplished. I made my official LIST for 2013 of what I wanted to accomplish, so we can see how exactly I did. I know there are a lot I didn’t do – mostly because I ran out of time and got busy. There was still plenty I did take care of, and then ideas for more. I like that I’ve got goals. Some are monthly, weekly, and yearly. I mean the “goals” I had when I was 16 are SO MUCH DIFFERENT than when I turned 26. And that’s okay. People grow and change and your ideals grow and change. And that’s okay. And people grow and change at different rates. When I was 16 I always thought I’d meet my future husband in college, and get married by 25. Well – as I turn 27 one week from today, that didn’t quite happen. And I’m fine with that. I also thought I’d have my shit together by now – but I’m not actually sure if I’ll ever have my shit together. Maybe never COMPLETELY together, I don’t think anyone ever knows exactly what they’re doing.

Coming into my birthday month, Thanksgiving, and the upcoming new year – I am thankful and happy. I’m thankful for my awesome friends and family, I’m happy I found such a great place to work, and I’m both happy AND thankful for the passion, love and helpfulness I’m surrounded by. I’ve got a pretty kick ass life – and I love that I’m living it to the fullest.

What are you thankful for? I urge you to ask yourself this question. REALLY think about it. What makes YOUR world go round?

Be thankful,


Monday, November 18, 2013

BIG News Inside... Not that big... Only like 10k worth...

I’ve got goals, goals and goals galore! Great words for a Monday, am I right? After a bad decision last week of stepping on the scale post-workout (those things should be BANNED) it pretty much ruined my day. I mean I know I’ve been eating a lot of delicious food and drinking delicious beer, BUT I’ve also been working out pretty consistently. Apparently – not consistently enough. I grouched through the rest of the day and sent whiney texts to some friends to make me feel better – but it didn’t help. It’s all my own fault for being unhappy with the number I saw (devil machine) so I knew that I was the only one who could truly make a change. After apologizing for sending those whiny texts, I set out to make a change. It’s not about the number on the scale, it’s about how you feel. After a workout, I feel like I’m dying, but then I feel better. I have more energy and I’m in a better mood – why wouldn’t I want that to continue? And from there – I set some goals. And for your entertainment… here they are:

DRINK MORE WATER. More Cardio. Cut carbs (not COMPLETELY because carbs are my favorite food and I would HATE LIFE if I had zero carbs in my life). More fruits and veggies. Eat when you’re hungry, not when you’re bored. And last but not least – I HAVE TO BE IN A BIKINI IN JANUARY.

Gah. That last one is killer. Usually “bikini season” isn’t till summer… nope. Hawaii in January makes me push through the holidays without missing workouts and eating like a cow. It will be tough – but so worth it. Not that it REALLY matters because I won’t know ANYONE there – but still. There will be pictures and I want to look semi-decent in a bikini. But carbs… noms. That will be tough. Like I said – not cutting them out COMPLETELY – but maybe don’t eat a giant bowl of pasta at 11 pm. Makes sense.

And since last week… I don’t have much for you. Other than I’m clearly a relative of Picasso. Friday night I headed to Glazed Expressions with my mama for some wine and painting. I think the last time I painted anything was middle school – so that’s always fun. I mean it wasn’t hard – they walk you through each step and it’s just up to you to make it YOUR’S. It was actually really fun, and kind of relaxing. I’d for sure do it again – especially now that I have a punch card. Only four more classes and I get one FO FREE!! Check out the awesomeness of the eggs we painted. (Also when I look at mine all I want to do is sing “Colors of the Wind” because it makes me think of Pocahontas. You’re welcome for that being in your head now.)
Photo: Thanks Sara Embrey for painting with me tonight. I think we did a mighty fine job if I do say so myself!!  Love you!

I got to participate in some shopping for bridesmaid dresses this weekend too – tis the season! Well not yet anyway – but it will be come 2014! Three weddings in three months – two that I’m a part of. Better pick up some extra shifts EVERYWHERE to make sure I’ve got some extra cash moneys rolling in. After a quick try-on sesh with the lovely bridesmaids and bride-to-be, we headed to Mi Mexico for shaker margaritas and lunch. And since we had time to kill after lunch, we hit up Mickey’s for a couple drinks before heading to try on more dresses. And in the finale – we found a dress! We said yes to the dress! Now we can start shopping for the shoes and accessories… the funner part. And yet another reason for these goals – fitting into a dress 6 months from now. Being a girl is hard work.

So after all this positivity, I’m going to turn into a real Grinch. For those of you who know me well, I am ADAMENT about not putting up Christmas decorations until after my birthday (December 2 – for those of you who forgot. My wishlist is on Amazon in case you’re interested…) and I get super Scrooge-esque when November 1st comes and BAM – Christmas shit everywhere. On the radio, in the malls, online. It’s terrible. I hate it. At least wait until after Thanksgiving. Don’t celebrate one holiday until the one prior is finished. At work I received an invite on my Outlook calendar to set up the Christmas tree and I responded with “this goes against everything I believe in.” I just got laughed at. But seriously. So the fact that I work at the mall and it’s nearing holiday, just makes me even more Grinch/Scrooge-like. HOWEVER. This is probably the first year where I’ve already started my Christmas shopping. I usually wait till like – the week OF Christmas to start my shopping. I’ve actually got shopping DONE for a few people… which is so weird to me. Plus I’ve got a list going of what I want to get for other people, and even some decorations I want to get. Don’t get me wrong – I will NOT put the decorations up until AFTER the big 2-7 (and the one year anniversary of this blog – yikes) – but I can start prepping.

Now I need all of you to go back into your minds, read back through my past blog posts and remember the line “I will never run again.” And then think about this next line – I will be running the Drake 10K come April. Are you rolling your eyes yet? I did a little bit. But – a 10K is my MAX… it’s only 6.2 miles… and I’ll be aiming for an hour. If I get it done in less than an hour – bomb diggity. Looks like training will commence after the first of the year. And after I get back from beaching it for a week. God I hate running. What am I thinking? It’s good for me? Absolutely not. I’m going to hurt so bad it won’t be funny. But at least it’s running for an hour and not two and a half. Or five. God that would suck. But an hour – why not? What do I really have to lose?

“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” – Paulo Coelho

So seriously – what do I have to lose? It’s only 6 miles. It’s only an hour of my life. Plus – it gets me in shape. It’s a good way to clear your head. Much like yoga. Someday I’ll learn to love to run – maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe I’ll forever be the type of workout person who does EBR (Everything But Run – I just made that up right now… tell your friends) and is fine with it. Maybe I’ll have an epiphany and running will be awesome. You just never know.

Now if you’ll excuse me… I’m going to see what I can do about getting a copy of Catching Fire so I can read it this week and go see the movie this weekend. Katniss is my girl. And so is J. Law – let’s be real though… she’s EVERYONE’S girl. I want to be friends with her.
Get out there and take a risk. Be brave. Experience is key.

Experiment for Experience,


Monday, November 11, 2013

First Snowfall and No Socks

I’d hoped today that by wearing flats without socks and a ¾ sleeve blazer that Mother Nature would think it was still gorgeous fall weather and we would miss out on the pre-winter blues. Sadly though – it didn’t work. I ended up being cold all day while I looked out the windows watching the snow fall. It would have been much more enjoyable had I been at home snuggled up under a blanket with sweats on and a hot cup of coffee in my hand, but we can’t always have everything we want. Sad day.

Once again I’ve been a terrible blogger. No posts since before Halloween?? For shame. And so much has happened since then! Yuck. I need to write more. Since starting my new job two and a half months ago, I’ve learned a lot and gotten to do a lot of fun things. I’ve set travel arrangements for managers, become a master at setting up Friday lunch menus, and to add to my list of awesome things I get to do at work – I get to play with puppies at work. A few weeks ago, we had Dog Day at work. Anyone who had a dog could bring them in for the day and then we went to Three Dog Bakery to get them some treats. That was one of the best days ever. I got ZERO things done that day. It was awesome. We had around 20 dogs there that day – anywhere from a Lassie dog to a Great Dane puppy AND full grown monster. There was a fat bulldog that had the face only a mother could love – and the softest little Australian Sheepdog with the biggest feet ever. I love dogs. So much. That day was fantastic and I cannot WAIT for next year.

And to follow up with the cuteness of dogs, was the awkwardness of an office Halloween party. Our theme at the office was Saturday Night Live. There was plenty of creativity – mostly the Ambiguously Gay Duo (so inappropriate and so awesome all at once) and some not so creative – like myself. I decided on being Tina Fey during Weekend Update – which basically involved me putting a black blazer on and wearing my glasses. I didn’t win any prizes for that one. Oh well – it was fun seeing everyone take the stuff so seriously. Definitely a fun environment.

One more fun thing at work – was a volunteering day. Each year we get 8 hours of volunteer time where we can go with some of our coworkers and volunteer somewhere. I hadn’t had any accrued yet so I went over to Animal Lifeline to play with kittens for the afternoon. It put me in such a good mood. Playing with 6 week old kittens is one of the best things EVER. They’re so cute and cuddly and playful and their claws don’t hurt yet. And then I got to see some of the older cats who were special need animals. Those made me SO SAD and I wanted to take each one home with me. However I don’t think Toby would have appreciated that so much. He was already mad at me when I came home smelling like dogs, I’m sure he would have just FLIPPED if I brought home a baby kitten for him to play with.

Other fun things since November started… let’s see. More yoga – and lots of it. More lunchtime sculpt classes where I can die in 45 minutes – but such a good workout I just can’t stop going. Such a great way to detoxify your body – I love the way I feel when I’m done, even if during the class I feel like crying and throwing up (not necessarily in that order.) Since I’m taking a hiatus from Kosama for a few months (save some money and utilize my free gym and yoga memberships) I’m taking some time to explore some fitness classes and do lots of yoga. I really want to better my practice so going multiple times a week is really helpful. Plus I have an undercover yogi giving me tips whenever he can. And for that – I thank you J

October’s book club was a little different than normal. Rather than having a Wednesday night meeting (per usual) we decided to have it on a Friday night. That way we wouldn’t have to worry about getting home at a decent time for work in the morning – even though the small group of us that went out all had to be up early the next day. We started out with dinner and drinks at Zimm’s and discussed the book – a little bit, mostly it was just chatter – and then headed to Vaudeville Mews for a show. Which was AWESOME. I love live bands – especially bands of friends. These shows were FANTASTIC and I’ll totally go back and see them again. November/December’s book club will be back to normal – with a little something extra. First off – we’ll be reading Orange is the New Black, which I’m SUPER excited about. It’s a true story made into a series on Netflix and I love EVERYTHING about it. The characters, the premise – everything. So if you haven’t watched it yet, DO IT. You won’t regret it. But then on top of the awesome book choice, we’ll also be doing a White Elephant book exchange type thing. It will be fun to see what everyone’s favorite book is – and why they decided to share it with everyone. Hooray for book club fun! And actually – I think this will be the one year anniversary of book club. SO FUN! I love it.

I got to help celebrate some love this weekend – my cousin married his awesome wife on Saturday. Everything about it was perfect – especially the 11 minute ceremony. People were gorgous, the food was wonderful, and the scenery was fantastic. I hadn’t seen a true “first look” before, but seeing my cousin lock eyes with his soon-to-be-wife for the first time as she walked down the aisle made me nearly burst into tears. I LOVE love like that. It’s gorgeous. It was a family filled weekend too – it’s nice to see family more often than just at holidays. A surprisingly fun, exhausting weekend with family was something I needed.

While strengthening my practice, I’ve learned a lot during all this yoga. I feel setting an intention is important and I’m glad we do that at the beginning of each practice. It helps clear your mind of all the miniscule, unimportant details and gets you out of your own head. Sometimes I’ll have a bad day or I won’t be feeling well, but then once I get into class and get concentrating and bettering myself – I feel a million times better. Per my undercover yogi, he says “the things that don’t serve you should not capture your attention.” Basically – don’t waste your moments worrying about those things, instead focus your attention to those that do.

“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”

As I grow my practice, this is my mantra. Not only in yoga, but I life as well. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, just worry about yourself. If you’re not happy – change something. Don’t dwell, don’t meddle. Be happy. Do what you need to do to ensure you are happy.

In other happiness notes – I found a list of nice sounds. And to go along with these nice sounds, I made my own list of nice smells.

Nice Sounds: turning book pages, keys of a type writer, skate blades on ice, sleepy voices, crackling fire, train whistles, when you hear a smile in someone’s voice.

Nice Smells: new book smell, a freshly blown out candle, fall, winter, sleep, someone’s scent mixed with a shower, freshly washed laundry.

There’s some happy thoughts for your senses – enjoy the rest of your Monday night!

Love love,


Monday, October 21, 2013


Happy Monday my loves! I hope you’ve made it through the worst day of the week. And I hope now that you’re off work you’re at home cuddled up on the couch, snuggling a glass (or bottle) of wine and watching either crappy TV or something awesome on Netflix. Either way – I’m jealous of you. Here I sit, for another 4.5 hours at the gym, checking people in, taking their money (not really – but I’ll collect it for the club) and tweeting about the shenanigans I hear/see. And trust me – there’s PLENTY. I’m sure if any of you follow me on Twitter, you’ll see plenty of #gymtweets floating about. I can already feel people dropping their weights in the other room. Yay meat heads!

The last week has been kind of crazy – which I’m not too mad about. I’ve done lots of working – nothing new there – and lots of yoga. Except for this past week – which could explain why I was so testy and angry on Saturday – but let’s save that for later on this evening. I tried out a couple new recipes this last week – both delicious. One turned out a little better than the other – but practice makes perfect right? I’ll be the next Suzy Homemaker before you know it! (Side note: I think it should be spelled like Suzie not Suzy, but it’s too late to change it now.) Recipe number one was Turkey and Rice Stuffed Peppers and Baked Sweet Potato Fries – yum. Could have cooked the fries a little less and the peppers a little more, so now we know for next time. The following night I stole a recipe from Iowa Girl Eats (her blog is AMAZING – check it out: and made Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage Pasta. This was FANTASTIC. Toss a Honey Crisp apple into ANYTHING and it makes it like a MILLION times better. Write that down. I’ve been reading a lot of food blogs lately – does that make me weird? – and it just makes me want to cook more and more. Food porn may be one of my favorite things. Again – is that weird? Looking at cookbooks, watching the Food Network, reading food blogs – it’s almost as good as reading those trashy romance novels. A little bit different part of the brain for each of those – but you get what I’m saying. I’m currently searching for a couple new recipes to make this week – healthy, easy, delicious. Send some ideas my way – please and thank you!

I like to think of myself as a pretty athletic person – I mean I’ve played sports, run a 20K, kick box, lift weights – all that fun stuff. So when I decided to hit up a Bosu class at the gym, I thought I’d be good to go. I figured it would be a lot of core work (we can always use more core work) with a bosu ball and some weights. I was so wrong it’s not even funny. Actually I’m sure it was really funny – considering I was walking into a STEP CLASS while using a BOSU BALL. Have you ever been to a step class? That shit is hard. Plus – instead of using an actual step, you’re stepping onto a bosu ball. I was pretty positive I was going to snap my ankle in half. I was so sore the next day I have no idea how I made it to spin. And then I got done with spin and my legs were jello. I took Friday off because I felt like I deserved it. So what did I do to reward myself? I wore heels all day and night. 13 hours on heels makes for SUPER sore feet. I was damn near in tears by 10 pm. Beauty is pain, pain is beauty. Blah blah blah. Whatever – it hurt.

Speaking of working out – CONGRATS to all my runner buddies on completing the half or full marathon this weekend. Y’all are crazy – and I apologize for yelling “YOU’RE ALMOST DONE” when you still had some time to run. I know that if I heard that, I’d probably run over and punch whoever said that in the face. Especially if you hear it like halfway through. Not cool. But for realz though – you guys rule. Mentally AND physically I don’t think I could do it. I cannot wrap my mind around running for FIVE HOURS. Running for two and a half hours for the D2D was too much for me. I would rather ride my bike HUNDREDS of miles during RAGBRAI than I would to RUN 26 of them. Run that through your mind and see if it makes sense. I understand it totally doesn’t – but whatevs. You guys are all an inspiration to those of us who can’t or won’t run like you do. Maybe something I do will be an inspiration to you – it’s a fair trade I think.

As I halfway mentioned earlier, I was not a happy camper on Saturday. It all started with my smoke detector beginning to beep at 6:30 am because of a low battery. And then I took out the battery thinking that would shut it up – wrong. Instead, I set off the actual detector – still at 6:30 am. I’m sure my neighbors were real happy with me. To follow that, the devil children who live above me decided to run sprints across the floor, drop a med ball (or each other – I have no clue) and that all began at 7:00. I was grouchy at that point so I left to go do my trade at the yoga studio, and then another 5 hours at the mall. I came home and it was still beeping. After a reassuring phone call that I’d done all I could (apparently it was hard wired so the battery didn’t even MATTER) I relaxed with an Oktoberfest and left for the night. After a conversation about how I hadn’t done any yoga that week – I was “nicely” told that that was probably the reason I was so high strung during my phone conversation the day before. I knew that yoga zen’d me out, but I didn’t realize how it would affect me when I DIDN’T go and get that 45 minutes or an hour to get out of my own head. Even if I just give myself a 15-20 minute practice, it will lift my spirits and get me in the right mind set for where I need to be.

I stumbled across this while surfing Pinterest, and thought about how much I should have done these things while I was stressed out this weekend.
Life is too short for stress
Just think about how much better of a mood I would be in if I took a deep breath and danced it out. Next time. Next time I start to freak out about something I literally CANNOT control – a dance break may help. Or just a smile. These top 10 things will be on my to-do list for whenever I’ve got an off day. Can’t go wrong with a walk or a hug.

And a quick thought before I go – there’s some tweeting that needs to happen – “if the simple things in life don’t put a smile on your face, then you will never be truly happy.” Ain’t that the truth? A little girl walked into the gym tonight with her mom wearing her dress up heels – ladies you know what I’m talking about, the Barbie heels that cut into your feet but clicked around to make you feel like a beautiful grown up – and she looked so sassy, I had to smile at her. Her mom rolled her eyes and laughed a little, but if we all acted with such happiness the way kids do – this place would be SO MUCH BETTER and not full of ass holes. Smile at the simple things – be happy.

Love and memories,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Aca Believe I Can't Spell "A Cappella"

I'm having a difficult time concentrating tonight. Maybe it's because I just ate a delicious meal and put myself into a carb coma (the best kind of coma... not that there's really a GOOD kind of coma...) or maybe because I'm not in my element to write. Whatever it is - I'm feeling a little ADD. All day I've been debating on whether I should spend tonight with my nose buried in The Scarlet Letter, or whether I should bust out my blog post since it's a little overdue. My Nook is sitting next to me, staring enviously at my laptop while I type away trying to get my concentration back. My laptop is getting a little warm on my lap, but since I started writing I can't stop now! It's like Miley says - we can't stop, we won't stop. Okay - that was pretty awful. Something that isn't awful though - the video that Jimmy Fallon put up from when Miley was at his show. Miley, Jimmy and The Roots sang "We Can't Stop" acapela (a capela, aca pela, aca pella - I have no idea how to spell this word. Aca believe it!) and it's actually really amazing. It's like every part of your body wants you to HATE this song, but then it's still pretty good. Take a look and judge for yourself. Oh - and btw - it's a cappella. (Thanks Jimmy Fallon.)

Okay - back to my ADD. The past week or so I've celebrated a birthday (twice), watched the Cyclones lose (still mad about that one), had a grown-up play date, and made up for lost time over some drinks with an old friend. I tried out some sushi at a new sushi/hibachi place in Ankeny - I'll for SURE be going back - and found a new birthday song that's really hard to get out of your head. I'll be honest though - I have no idea what I ordered, so I can't even rate it with an OH EM GEE rating. All I remember is that it was not the best, but way above the worst. Downside - it's all the way in Ankeny, and if they do sake bombs as freely as Sakari does, I'll be needing a place to crash. The grown-up play date was AWESOME - and long overdue. We spent the first hour and a half of the morning at Starbucks (duh) and discussed everything from weddings to babies to budgets to the "good ol' days." I realize that we are 26 but sometimes the good ol' days are fun to reminisce. After acting all adult-esque (NOT to be confused with adulteROUS - very different things) we headed off to the mall to window shop. That is so hard to do, especially when window shopping with another compulsive shopper like myself. After hitting up Target, that's where we spent the real money. On snacks. A one dolla no holla box of Whales (cheaper version of Goldfish) and a bag of AnimalCrackers, we headed back to my house for some homemade crockpot chili (noms) and It's Always Sunny. Good times.

An impromptu get together on Tuesday night made Wednesday DRAG, but it was totes worth it. (Totes is one of the top 10 words people find most annoying on the internet. In case you were wondering.) After sharing a bottle of wine and cracking open a couple beers, I told stories and heard stories that were cracking me up. So much fun to catch up and laugh at each other's shenanigans. I think my favorite part of the discussion was the lunch menu. After a sad attempt and poor planning on my part, my lunch the other day was cubed cheese, shredded chicken, and hard boiled eggs - covered in French dressing, with a spoon full of peanut butter on the side. Not to be compared with tuna and carrots with hummus. Sometimes it's hard to be an adult.

Speaking of hard to be an adult - what happens after you finish a show on Netflix? It feels like the rest of my life is just - blah. Like I have nothing to look forward to. Does that mean I have far too much time invested in someone else's "life?" I mean - Nip/Tuck is obviously super legit and "real life" but after I watched the series finale yesterday, I was so let down. Now what do I do? Start a new show, only to be let down in another 100 episodes?? Netflix is mean. And don't even get me started on Glee. I'm clearly too wrapped up in these characters lives that it affects me WAY more than it should. Tonight's episode is called "The Quarterback" and is a tribute episode to Cory Monteith (RIP). Well, stupid me - I watched the preview to the episode (twice) and listened to the songs that would be sang in the episode. I barely made it through those things without bawling my eyes out - how am I supposed to get through the entire episode?! The answer to that: watching it alone the day after it's on so you can sit in the dark and cry your face off without anyone (except your cat) to judge you. That's my plan for tomorrow night. Please don't get offended if I don't respond to texts/emails/phone calls/Facebook messages/tweets for a little while because I will probably be either a) gearing myself up for my own impending meltdown, or b) currently in the process of losing my shit. So be prepared.

Real fast before I close out for the night and week - I've hit up two spin classes in the last week. I haven't taken a spin class for MONTHS and my vagina knows it. TMI? Sorry about that. Let me rephrase. My pelvic bones know that. I love spin but I hate how sore you are for like three days after your 45 minute class. Ouchie wa wa. Since I'll be freezing my Kosama membership for a few months (a grown up decision) I'll be spending my time participating in regular workouts I write up myself, group fitness classes, and plenty of yoga. I think that will put me in a good place to be in a bikini in January. Hopefully. Hawaii - here I come! (More on vacations to come - not today. But keep your eyes peeled kids.)

Before each yoga practice, our instructor always tells us to set an intention. That could be something as simple as making sure you're present in class, going deeper in a pose, or maybe something much more meaningful to you. Maybe you could be nailing that crow pose for someone else, or maybe it's not about yoga at all. Maybe it's about your presence in your practice. I think setting an intention is something that shouldn't just be reserved for your yoga practice. I think it can definitely be brought out into real life, YOUR life.
All good things to remember - set an intention for the day and go with it. Be thankful. And ask someone you love - "what are YOU thankful for today?"
Regret nothing, and take chances. "Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery."

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sorry about the soap box incident... CHOOSE Happiness

Mark this day down – it’s the second time I’ve made an “outline” for what I want to write. Okay fine – I had a few extra minutes at work today that I could jot down my ideas. Just to make sure I didn’t forget any awesomeness from the last week! Now where should I start…
Let’s begin with book club/Banned Books Week – two of my most FAVORITE things. I love Banned Books Week because it reminds me about how I should have faith in (most) people. Some people are anti-imagination which irritates me – but for the most part, people are great. They know a good book when they read one and love to pass it along to others. Other people however – well, they just suck. I wish I had my notes sitting in front of me from the statistics of banned/challenged books in the last 10 years. The numbers were OUTRAGEOUS. Some books I could MAYBE understand, because they are EXTREMELY graphic. HOWEVER. When you challenge/ban something as AMAZING and well-written as I Know Why  the Caged Bird Sings, The Catcher in the Rye, or Charlotte’s Web – now you’ve got some issues. Why would you want someone to read something “blasphemous” like Charlotte’s Web? Or maybe the better question should be – why WOULDN’T you want your child to read something with great examples of friendship and trust? Because you’re an ass hole – that’s why. Imagination is a GOOD thing. People who had ass hole parents who wouldn’t let them read Charlotte’s Web because animals were talking are now the ass holes that are trying to get books like Harry Potter banned because you couldn’t possibly IMAGINE a world where witchcraft exists. Maybe it doesn’t exist – but open your eyes and your MIND and just think about it. And don’t be a dick.

Let me step off my soap box and get back to my other favorite thing – book club. This month was a little bit different than before – we met at Plain Talk Books and Coffee (one of my favorite book stores) for our meeting and sat outside on their patio. We met across the street at The Rooftop for some dinner and drink before we headed over to Plain Talk for one of the BEST meetings we’ve had. AWESOME discussion, people, and food. I had so much fun. I think (I hope) everyone else who attended had a great time too. On pace with BBW (Banned Books Week – not Buffalo Wild Wings, although that sounds awesome right about now…) we decided that our next book be one from the banned/challenged list. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the winner for October’s book club – and possibly a movie night with The Scarlet Letter and Easy A to follow…

I stepped out of my Power Life Yoga comfort zone, and attended an hour and a half class at Harmony Yoga and Wellness in the Drake neighborhood. I was a little skeptical at first – an hour and a half class at a studio I wasn’t familiar with… however I got to enjoy a brunette yoga date while I was there. It’s contagious I tell you. Once you start doing yoga and fall in love with it, tell your friends – it’s a catchy thing. Something great to share for sure. Anyway – that class was HARD. It wasn’t the flow I’m used to, a lot more balance work, and poses I’d never even heard of. But it was a great change – I wasn’t a huge fan of the shavasana, mostly because the sounds during our relaxation period sounded like tornado sirens and it made it hard for me to relax. But I liked the change of scenery and will probably head back over to Harmony for a restorative session in the future.

I went for a run yesterday morning. That was one of the worst ideas I’ve had in a while. Keep in mind – the last time I ran (not on the elliptical) was the Dam to Dam. Which was June 1st. What in the actual bleep. Something crawled up my ass and I was all like “I’m going to be super productive today. First I’m going to Gray’s Lake to run, then I’m going to yoga at 11:30, then I’m going to clean and do laundry and then I’ll make some dinner and go to bed early.” Yeah. About that. Who did I really think I was – that’s way too much to do on the Sabbath day. I mean – I don’t really celebrate or follow through with Sabbath-ing, Sunday usually is my day to get stuff done. So I started some laundry and headed out to Gray’s Lake for a run. It felt good. When I started. And then I realized the coffee and oatmeal I’d eaten at 8:00 wasn’t sitting too well. So I quickened my pace to get my run done, and the wind picked up. I could hear my labored breathing over Pitch Perfect blaring through my headphones. My intention was to run two laps. One lap happened. My foot hurt, my stomach bothered me, and it was windy. All excuses, I know. But a poor excuse is better than no excuse right? My mom always told me that. So I’m sure it’s true. But I did it. It may not have been pretty, but it happened. And then I see on Facebook that one of my friends “took a wrong turn and ended up running 20 miles!” and another one is damn near to her marathon. I feel like a pansy. Two miles is plenty for me. It’s better than nothing.

I subscribe to My Yoga Online and was rolling through some different articles on the website. One specifically caught my eye – mostly because of the wording: “9 Ways to Choose Happiness.” Different ways to CHOOSE happiness. It seems like such an easy thing. But if you think about it, how many UNhappy people do you see walking around this place? MILLIONS. And it’s all because they simply don’t CHOOSE to be happy. There are so many people who have bad things happen to them, and still choose to be happy. It may be hard to do at first, but come on – wouldn’t you rather be happy than a grumpy bitch? I sure would. If you’d like to read the article, here’s the link. It’s a great article – and couldn’t we all use a little more happiness in our lives?

I’m borrowing this week’s quote from Miss Marathon 2013. Such a bad ass – going from not running more than necessary (during soccer games) to running a half marathon on a whim (or from a book club choice – read Wild by Cheryl Strayed, you won’t regret it. Maybe it will make you run a marathon) to training and running a full marathon less than a year later. I’m impressed. Going from running up and down a soccer field to running 26.2 miles. It’s definitely not for me – but damn. Go girl. She shared a quote from Carl Sagan the other day that’s not unique to her situation, but definitely paves the way for anyone working toward a goal. Or maybe you don’t even know what you’re working toward.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

Maybe you don’t know what you want, or what you want to do with your life. I don’t. I say that every day. I wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up. But until I know, I’m just going to live in the moment. Something is waiting for me to become known. I can’t wait until I figure out what that is.

Spend some time tonight and just be. You’ll be glad you did.


Monday, September 23, 2013


I was doing so well with my weekly or bi-weekly posts – and then I fell off the face of the blog-world. I’ve definitely been keeping busy, but I’ve also spent some time alone. Sometimes that’s all you need. Sometimes you need a little alone time to clear your head and get back into life. It’s been an interesting few weeks – with lots of different things happening. Celebrating life, mourning death, and living in the moment. So many different emotions, but such a good feeling in the end.

I found my inner “hippie” a couple weeks ago at a yoga practice. This was different from my normal practice – seeing as it was out in the country on an organic farm. It was a small group of yogis, but I felt very comfortable there. After hanging around for an hour or so, we began our practice. I ended up with a few bug bites, but I also ended with a clear and open mind. It was pretty nice to be out of “town” where I could see the stars, hear nature everywhere, and just BE. After we said our “Namaste” we enjoyed some organically grown food and some wine from the local winery. I’ve always loved the busyness of the city, but it’s kind of nice to be out where no one else is. Close enough where I can easily get to people, but far enough away that I don’t get bothered by them. The whole time I was out on the farm, I felt like Jennifer Aniston from Wanderlust. (If you haven’t seen the movie – you should. It’s pretty hilarious. Plus – Paul Rudd is in it and who doesn’t love Paul Rudd?) Anyway – we show up and there’s incense burning around the outside of the house, there’s a hammock in the yard, and a man with dreadlocks greeting us with a huge smile and a hug. I felt so out of my element – it was great. The people there were so REAL – I hope that’s something that will rub off on me. The realness of the place and the people, I want to be that REAL.
And after great, calming nights like that of yoga, I have the occasional practice where I feel like I’m dying. That happened last Friday. It was a free class at a studio I hadn’t yet been to. I thought I would try it out – there’s no harm in that right? Plus I have a Groupon for 10 sessions that I hadn’t used yet, so maybe I should try one out for free before I use those. Well let’s just talk about how it was hot when we walked in, and once the class was fairly full – the heat lamps were turned off. It was SO HOT in there from body heat alone. We went through an awesome flow – hit so many poses – and attempted a Side Crow. Not quite as successful as my regular Crow, but it was a good try. (Side note: whenever I say Crow it makes me think of the Brandon Lee and I get a little freaked out. That movie is kinda freaky.) It was nice to switch up my practice a little bit, and I definitely got my ass kicked. Once we were done, there was a free keg of 312 (awesome) and some great conversation with a different dynamic of people than I’m used to at PLY. It’s good for me. Broadening my horizons is ALWAYS a good thing.

To follow that kick ass workout, we headed to Exile Brewing to drink FOR FREE with my German beer mug. Fantastic. Those bad boys are aggressive – the mug not the beer – and I loved trying the new Oktoberfest. (Speaking of which – Oktoberfest is just around the corner… so excited.) And in typical German beer fashion, I came home and fell asleep – on my couch. I woke up at 3:00 in the morning with the TV still on – I have been trying to finish up Nip/Tuck. I crawled back into bed for another few hours and then headed to the Farmer’s Market in the morning for a burrito and some Java Joe’s Coffee. Weekends like that are some of my favorite.

I made a trip to Ames on a party bus for the Iowa/Iowa State game – boo Hawks – and spent some time with my favorite people. As it turns out – I’m not as good at tailgating as I used to be. Or maybe I’m better at it – you choose. I’ve celebrated love with friends getting married, friends getting new jobs, and just friendship in general. I’m in a good place with most things and am content with what that means.
And while I have decided to forego the yoga teacher training (for now), I will be all-supporting for someone else going through it for the next two months. One night a week, and one full Saturday full of yoga and learning – I’m really excited for the end result. Finding something that opens you up and frees your mind is something that I hope everyone finds.

“Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.”
        Swami Vivekananda

Dare to do what you want to do, even if it’s something you never thought you’d do. Try something new – because you never know, it could change your life.

Be who you are and just do you. Because as Abraham Hicks says: “People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.” So do you, be you, and ignore anyone who can’t handle that.

Be you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cheesecake and Contentment - A Recipe for Success

As I begin week four of my new job, I can’t help but smile. I got a great workout in this morning, it felt like fall when I walked outside, and I got a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (they’re back!) on my way in. I went to bed with my laundry put away, the floor vacuumed, and the scent of freshly blown out candles wafting around my apartment. I’d been enjoying my last couple weeks since my last post, with lots of yoga, delicious food, and time with friends. As I ease into September, it finally feels like I know what I’m doing. 2012 sucked, 2013 has been decent, and I’m really looking forward to what 2014 brings.

Like I said before – I’ve spent a lot of time in yoga the past few weeks. I’ve enjoyed classes at Gray’s Lake and I’ve sweat it out in Lululemon’s Showroom. But mostly, I’ve fallen in love with the classes, people, and ideals at Power Life Yoga. So much so – that I’ve worked out a work trade with them. Three hours of work at week, and free yoga classes to follow. It’s been such an amazing experience for me that I’ve also thought about teacher training. I’m still throwing it around my mind… because I may almost rather enjoy the classes without having to worry about what to teach next. I’ve got some time to figure it out though. No matter what I decide though, I’ll be forever a yogi.

I celebrated Restaurant Week in Des Moines with some of my favorites – with a trip to Fleming’s. Oh em gee. So delicious. If it weren’t so expensive, I’d want to be there at LEAST once a month. The atmosphere is awesome and the wine is even AWESOMER (yeah – awesomer for sure). Their cheesecake is seriously amazing too. So for sure – go get some of that. It’s a very close tie in cheesecake between Fleming’s and Sakari. Interesting choice between places eh? Then this past week, I got invited to help celebrate promotions with some friends and they decided to go to 801 Grand Steakhouse. And when I say oh em gee about Fleming’s, I REALLY mean OH EM GEE about 801. I had some yummy Moscato (because you can’t go wrong there) and tried some Carpaccio – I didn’t know what it was till I tried it. Super tasty though – I’ll eat that again. Then I had a giant Caesar salad which I accidentally said “sure” when they asked if I wanted sardines on it. So those little guys got pushed off to the side. But THEN I got to the rest of the meal. Garlic mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and pistachio encrusted lamb chops. Wow wow wow. My mouth is watering again just THINKING about the deliciousness of this meal. And to top off the meal, I shared a slice of cheesecake with raspberries drizzled all over it. I can’t even handle how yummy it all was. After eating that entire meal all I wanted to do was sleep. And so I did. I was so full. But it was SO worth it.

I just realized how much I just wrote about food. I love food. So much.

And maybe one of the best parts about this past week – FOOTBALL!! Saturday was the season opener for state schools and it was fantastic reading everyone’s statuses and seeing their tailgating pictures. I was so jealous. I miss college. And all I have to show for it is a degree I don’t use and student loans I’ll be paying off till I retire. But it was so fun. And congrats Panthers on your win – I’d rather you win than two weeks from now during the Iowa/Iowa State game and the stupid Hawkeyes pull a win out their asses. Because then those fools will not shut UP about it. Such poor winners. But even worse losers. All right – enough with that… I know Cyclone fans can be real dicks too. Just not quite as bad J

I had a little epiphany while practicing a week or so ago. We were in savasana (corpse pose) at the end of class one Saturday morning, and our instructor kept talking about santosha. Santosha means “contentment” and “satisfaction.” Basically – doing whatever you need to be content in life. It really settled deep within my mind. Perfection is so completely unattainable – but contentment can happen so easily. You don’t have to lead a PERFECT life. You can be satisfied and content with what you have.

Which leads me to my next thought: church. I went to church growing up, but then never really made it back. I don’t necessarily say I’m a non-religious person, but more spiritual. I don’t go to church, but I think I have found my “church.” Yoga has helped clear my mind, bring new meaning to things I haven’t thought about before, and opened my eyes. I come out of class with a more focused look at what’s happening in my life and where I want to go from here. What I want to do next. I love that feeling.

“Be daring. Be different. Be impractical. Be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.”
– Cecil Beaton

I’ve found my church. My sanctuary may not have a cross or a preacher, but I do come out of it feeling the same way. I’ve got a clear focus, an open mind, and a feeling in my heart that I’m doing life RIGHT.



Monday, August 19, 2013

Positively Positive

Guys. I’ve been SO BAD at blogging lately. I’m not impressed with myself. Like at all. I don’t want to make up excuses… but I’ve been REALLY BUSY doing REALLY AWESOME THINGS. I’ve also been doing a lot of working… but I really shouldn’t make up excuses. It’s hard for me to sum up the last month – yeah… it’s really been that long – in a blog entry… especially since I get wordy as is. I’ll just recap the great stuff I’ve been up to.
Since my last posting on July 15th… here’s what’s happened. (That's SO LONG AGO)
·         Ate my weight in carbs at the Italian Festival
·         Road-tripped to Minnesota to see NKOTB, Boyz II Men, and 98 Degrees in concert
·         Attended and LOVED a couple Yoga In the Glen get-togethers
·         Relaxed for some Yoga in the Park at Gray’s Lake
·         Got my butt kicked at some Lululemon yoga events
o   **Sidenote: I haven’t ONLY been doing yoga the last month, although there’s plenty of it
·         Ate lots of sushi – good and bad
·         Got recruited for a new job (and accepted!)
·         Took a couple days off just for ME
·         Attended a Chive meet up and people watched my ASS off (go to and see what I mean)
I’ve had lots of positives happening in my life lately and it makes me smile. I know there will be plenty of negatives to follow, because that’s how life goes. What goes up, must come down. But at this point – I’m prepared for it. I have a great support system through my friends and family and so far they’ve backed me on everything I’ve done. That makes it much easier for me to be happy and stay positive.
I’ve been doing my share of creepin on the Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/every other annoying form of social media lately, and I really like the positivity I see. Sure – there’s plenty of negativity and plenty to annoy the shit out of me. I’m trying really hard to not let it get to me – because obviously it’s their life and really has ZERO EFFECT on me so it SHOULDN’T bother me – but sometimes it just happens. Let me get back on track… positivity. Seriously though – I love what I see. And sometimes it’s the little things – like someone getting their Starbucks paid for by the person ahead of them in line. And sometimes it’s the bigger things – like getting a “thinking of you” gift from a friend because of something major happening in your life. Maybe it’s all the yoga I’ve been doing, but I feel like I’ve been happier, calmer and more forgiving lately. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve just had a positive outlook on life because my life has been looking up. Maybe by the time 2014 rolls around, I’ll finally have my shit together. And maybe not. But I’m positive and hopeful about it.
It makes me happy when I see other people happy. I like when people are happy because they aced their first test of the semester. Or when they got a new pair of running shoes that helped them run a million miles that week. I like when I see people getting engaged, having babies, buying homes/cars/pets. I like all that positivity. Sure it can be annoying – but they’re positive life events out in the open for others to see as well.
I didn’t realize this was going to get into a motivational post about positivity… but here you have it. I’m POSITIVE I will get back on board with my posts – and will continue to tell you about the awesome and not-so-awesome things I’ve been doing. Maybe I’ll bore you with the icky sushi I ate – or excite you with the fact that I can do the Crow Pose in yoga. Or maybe vice versa? But I am POSITIVE that I will get into your head at some point and make you think.
A couple little words of wisdom were found on a sign (that I have on hold at Francesca’s and am picking up tomorrow) that really tie in with my positivity jargon I’m using tonight. So here you have it:

“Live by the sun, love by the moon.”

A rotation of happiness – live and love continuously, all day – every day. For the rest of your days. If this is what yoga does to my mind and soul, then I’m going to forever be a yogi. I love this.
Live, laugh, love –