Monday, December 8, 2014

#28isagoodyear + #Roaring20s

I am completely WIPED you guys. Last week was a long week – but so awesome, as most birthday weeks are. And as I told some of my favorite girls on Friday night, it was probably one of the best birthdays EVER

Birthday week started out with getting my ass kicked during a Thanksgiving Twist and Shout yoga class (thanks babe) where everything I’d eaten during the long holiday weekend was twisted and squeezed out of my pores. Nothing like getting a whiff of your homemade stuffing a few days later. Too much? My apologies. Then we headed to a lunch with the fam (mom had a coupon!) for a quick birthday lunch. My sister in her infinite wisdom picked up a shirt from Target that I’d been looking at for MONTHS – no joke – which sums me up in one sentence “Will Run for Wine.” Amen sister. Then mom and dad surprised me BIG TIME with a remote start for Jean Grey!! She’s going to be so fancy this winter. And I will be as well – with the Olivia Pope NorthFace coat I got from my love. If my birthday had ended there, I would have been pretty damn happy. 

But it got BETTER. I came into work on Tuesday, expecting to see the Elmo piƱata sitting on my desk with a party hat – the usual birthday decorations around the office – but I was SO wrong. Apparently there was a whole thing being planned behind my back – and I’m the planner here – and it was awesome. Pictures all over, streamers, signage, free coffee, flowers – you name it. I had it here. It was amazing. And then to make my actual birthday even BETTER, I had some of my best gals come over for a pizza party complete with wine, a super rich dessert, and pajamas, of course. You only turn 28 once so you may as well have your party be the same as your 8th birthday… but with wine instead of Mountain Dew or something. Wednesday night was the annual Scarf Party at El Rodeo – I’m so glad I got invited to this a few years ago. It’s a great time to catch up with some girls who are becoming NEW friends – and to bond over margaritas and chips and queso with longtime friends as well.

And then MORE amazingness happened on Friday – my actual birthday PARTY. We rented out the party room in our apartment complex – complete with a chef’s kitchen and plenty of space to play Cards Against Humanity. I’m so thankful for everyone who stopped by, even for a little while, and especially to those who closed down Carl’s Place with me. Shenanigans man. It was so awesome. I kept saying “this is the best birthday EVER” while we people watched and caught up with each other. 28 is pretty awesome so far, you guys.

Saturday I spent the day relaxing and trying to recoup for my office holiday party on Saturday. That’s right – the one I planned from start to finish, Roaring 20s themed. I was so nervous because this is the first large event I’ve planned. And honestly – there’s no reason I should have been nervous. I had overwhelming praise from everyone there. It made me feel so good that I could pull off something that MAJOR. Plus the Bees Knees cocktail was a HUGE hit… so that helped. And the food. YOU GUYS. I catered through the Tangerine Food Company – a small company made up of two women who have been catering events together for 10 years. It was such amazingly good and simple food – I was ecstatic for how it turned out. After getting everyone home in cabs and shuttles, we headed home. And I need to say a HUGE thank you with so much heartfelt appreciation for my other half this weekend. He was there with my all night Friday – and all night Saturday. He talked with people I worked with that he didn’t know, showed them where to find the photo booth and the bathrooms – and never once complained. He was probably more tired than I was, and was a CHAMPION. It sure is nice to have someone by your side who stays by your side ALWAYS. Even if there were kick ass UFC fights on and he had to miss them to be dressed like a P.I from 1920. Thank YOU.

Sunday was a day of relaxation. As needed. I finished up my laundry and cleaned like a crazy woman. As the week continues I’ll tackle the floors – but you can’t rush things like that. Eew. I’m just so thankful for what an amazing birthday week I had – I really don’t know how anything will top that in the future. Such a fun, amazing week and weekend. And then this week – lots of working out, lots of sleep, and eating all the leftovers in my house because there are SO MANY. Super exciting amirite?

Hugs and kisses guys. Love you all.
PS - watch out for some fun changes coming in 2015!!