Thursday, May 15, 2014


I have been SO LAZY this week. I’m not even joking. SO lazy. After a mental health day on Monday, I haven’t been able to get over that hump of actually DOING something. I literally did not leave my bed AT ALL on Monday – except to pee (obviously) and to make food. I suppose that was an incorrect use of the world “literally” wasn’t it? Woops. I finished up the 4th season of Arrested Development on Netflix (such a no-brainer show) and decided to test the waters with Scandal. I’ve literally only heard GOOD things about the show (there’s that word again – but this time it’s for real) so I figured I may as well start and see what I think. Four minutes in, Olivia Pope had me HOOKED. That show is totes addicting. It was like when I started watching Dexter. Or Nip/Tuck. Or The Office. Or Parks and Rec. Okay so clearly I have a Netflix problem. Maybe I would have watched these weekly like normal people when they were on – but when you’re busy, it just doesn’t happen. That’s why I had to binge-watch most of these shows. That’s what lazy days are for right? Or nights when you should be doing something productive, but just can’t manage to get off your butt and do them. Like the last two weeks of my LIFE.

It’s possible I’ve been a lazy piece because I’ve had a mild depression going on. Not a real, legit depression – but I was a little sad. My roomie has been traveling for work the last two weeks and I got real bummed out. Go ahead and make fun – but this is real life. I slept on his side of the bed with pillows barricading me in, I slept in old baggy t-shirts that aren’t mine, and I woke up with a sad face each morning when I went to brush my teeth and there was only ONE toothbrush in the holder. Lame right? But totally legit mild sadness. I thought I would be SO BORED last week – but I was actually a little more busy than normal with something going on every night that week. This week was a totally different story. I had to work one night, had a coffee date with my Twin another night, and tonight is a meeting for the Evolution of Superheroes. But I’ll still go to bed a little sad, knowing that Toby and I are going to miss our snuggle buddy. It especially didn’t help when Sunday night’s garbage TV show came on, and then the TORNADO SIRENS went off and I missed the last 15 minutes. I don’t even know what happened with the WWE Divas because I was worried that Toby and I were going to have to snuggle up in the shower because of the storms. Luckily, no tornadoes swept us away and we were eventually able to sleep with the windows open – but then Monday was just a meh day. 

My laundry has needed to be done for weeks – always – so I started it the other night. Instead of drying it and immediately folding it, I just put another load from the washer into the dryer to dry those too. I currently have my last load of laundry in the washer – while the rest of it sits in a HUGE pile on my couch… unfolded. Can’t wait to tackle that bad boy when I get home from work today. At least I cleaned out Toby’s spaceship and took the trash out – oh and I suppose I ran the dishwasher as well. I just can’t bring myself to do anything productive this week. Blah. It probably doesn’t help that the weather went from being sunny and AWESOME to chilly and rainy. Really puts a damper on my mood. Either that – or it’s because I’m home alone and I don’t have to clean anything up. So lazy. Or MAYBE it’s because I haven’t worked out or eaten well, drank a few beers and stayed up late each night. All possible combinations for my foul mood and lack of motivation.

And as I think about this – I realize that I have another race in FOUR WEEKS. And I haven’t run since my last race. Time to get back at it. No excuses. I’ve been on a carb and sugar OVERLOAD the past couple weeks – something else that sure isn’t helping me out. I absolutely don’t want to cut out carbs completely – but when I think back to my #whole30 challenge and how GOOD I felt… I really need to cut down. And sugar too. I got a belated Easter basket from my parents this past weekend and I got a giant chocolate bunny – which I then gorged myself on that night. I threw the rest of the way (sorry mom) so I wouldn’t eat the rest in the couple days to follow. I ate a giant Scotcharoo yesterday for lunch (I regretted it as soon as I took the last bite) because I clearly have NO self-discipline. Why am I such a candy monster? Gah. Wedding season is in full force and those extra pounds I’ve put back on since the beginning of March sure don’t look good on me. Neither does the lack of glow on my skin from wheat and MSG filled foods. And I want to make sure I look good in these pictures – so 20 years from now these beautiful brides can look back on these pictures and not think “Sara – you should have REALLY gotten your shit together before the wedding.” All that hard work for NOTHING. I’m not going back to #whole30, but I seriously need to watch what I’m eating. When my roomie gets back tomorrow afternoon (EEK!!) we’re going to sit down and plan meals for the next few weeks. And I just need to get my butt working out again. Running, Kosama classes, YOGA for sure, and some spin classes at some point. Or even just a walk around the neighborhood. Lord knows that Sherman Hill and the Drake neighborhoods are hilly enough – I ran through them just a few weeks ago! Plus – I LITERALLY have no excuse – there’s a workout area in my building. And I have two working legs – I can use them to get off my ass and OUTSIDE. 


But upcoming good things:

  • Evolution of Superheroes meeting
  • Book club!
  • Bachelorette weekend
  • Farmer’s Market burrito
  • Sunshine next week!

I’m ready to kick this bum mood and start smiling more. I’m “ready” to do my laundry tonight too. I’m ready to be a blog-aholic – reading AND writing them. If you’ve got free time, check out a few of these. They’ll make you smile, think, and best of all – read!

Life is a beautiful struggle. Enjoy it. Don’t ruin it with your own grumpy face.