Monday, January 28, 2013

"Please" Always Works

I was just thinking about how I needed to add another blog entry – when I got a kind “please” today on Facebook requesting another entry J I’ve been really busy lately (wah wah) so I couldn’t think of anything super special to write. I feel like I’ve just been in the planning stages of many different things, without anything completed. I suppose that’s okay – seeing as things will get done and then I’ll have more to write about, but the planning stages are always the boring ones. Or the most exciting – depending on how you look at it I suppose.
Last week consisted of a lot of working, working out, and reading. I was impressed for the amount of working out I did – however then I was also that girl who said “I can’t go to the bar because I’m going to work out” and that’s TOTALLY not something I’ve ever said. Surprised me and made me a little nervous. But again – I almost died in my sculpting yoga class. It’s become a slight addiction and I like it. An hour of sweating out every piece of shit thing you ate that week and trying your hardest not smash your face on the floor from your slippery, sweaty hands while you do a push up is actually more tiring than you’d think. It makes me want to throw up a little. This time I remembered a sweat towel (soaked through and completely useless halfway through class) but then I forgot my water. Maybe the 3rd time is the charm and after THAT I will finally make it through this class without swearing and being extremely dehydrated. Maybe. And seriously – that damn “year of the rear” thing again. I happened to walk by one of the mirrors at the gym tonight and just glanced… it seems as though that is a correct statement. A combination of yoga and kettlebell workouts seem to be lifting that bad boy. And on that note – we are done talking about my rear. (lolz)
Ooh – here’s some fun news… so far for 2013 I have read 5 of my 40 book goal! Two of them were pretty short, easy reads – but a book nonetheless. So they count. Two were book club books and one was written by one of my new favorite authors. For those of you that know my addictions and obsessions, I love WEIRD things. Whether it be a book, show, “thing” in general… I love the weird. For example – I will watch marathons of Hoarders and Intervention, as well as read a book and watch a documentary with the title of “My Lobotomy.” I enjoy anything having to deal with the brain and how WEIRD and AMAZING it is. To put it simply, I am addicted to other peoples’ addictions and oddities. And I’m totally okay with that. Perhaps that’s why the majority of my elective classes were in Psychology and Sociology. I like learning about how the mind works and why people are the way they are. And as I reread this – I realize I’ve gone completely off topic. Back to a new favorite author… Gillian Flynn. She is the author of three books from the New York Times Bestseller list – Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, and the book I just finished reading – Dark Places. I started the book last Sunday and had it finished by Thursday. I couldn’t stop reading it – the plot intrigued me and it had just enough “crazy” in it that I couldn’t put it down. So – if you like reading something that’s dark and a little crazy, DEFINITELY pick up a Gillian Flynn book. I think she’s going to be my first that I write a fan letter to… she’s freaking awesome. I can only assume the other two books she’s written are equally as awesome and addictive. I’m wondering now (as I psychoanalyze myself) if I have an addictive personality. I may do some research and get back to you on that one. Maybe not necessarily an addictive personality, but rather a personality with addictive tendencies. Obviously there’s a difference.
Moving on.
I was supposed to start some training at the Animal Rescue League this weekend for the retail shop… however with the lovely weather we have here in Iowa, I decided to stay home and reschedule that business. I’ve worked in retail since I was 15 so I think I could pick up on it fairly quickly – assuming I don’t try and take all the dogs and cats home with me. I can only imagine the conversation with these people – “Sure go ahead and look around, I’ll watch Fluffy for you” and then I dart out of the store with Fluffy under my arm and hightail it home to snuggle the animal. HE’S SO FLUFFY I COULD DIE!! I can’t wait till that movie comes out – those minions are fantastic. Anywho – another thing that I was supposed to do this weekend – attend a new yoga class. I got an email Sunday morning saying the class had been cancelled and I got a little sad about it. Looks like I’ll have to wait to really become a yoga slut. Meh – I can handle it.
I tried a new bar this weekend too – not really a NEW bar… but one I hadn’t been to before. It was “Brunette Night” out for us girls so we didn’t need to worry about any blondes coming in and stealing our thunder. (No worries blonde friends – we still love you J) So basically – there was no need to have cable TV because of all the just SILLY things we dealt with that night. As we walk in the bar about 10:30 or so, there is a grown woman BAWLING in the corner of the bar with her friend comforting her. Hoped that was something that after you turned 22 you would grow out of. Apparently not. Then later, we heard piercing scream – obviously thinking someone just got shanked in the bathroom. Wrong – this girl was just SUPER EXCITED to see her friends. Another thing I was hoping to grow out of. And again – wrong. Lots of people watching, which is on my list of things I love to do. Maybe I just need to find a job that I can just people watch for a living. That’s something I seriously need to look into.
As I said early, lots of things in the planning stages going on right now. A couple I will keep to myself – I don’t want to jinx them. I’ve become superstitious on things as I get older, so I think if I talk about them then they won’t work out the way I’d planned. So – a couple things are still on the DL. But a couple other things coming up – FEBRUARY BOOK CLUB!! I get so excited for these now. I’m glad that I’ve found a group of girls who love to read as much as me and who also love to talk as much as me. We make a pretty good team. Books and wine and talking – I’m not sure I could think of anything better! More planning stages… another reunion weekend coming up to celebrate Groundhogs Day. Definitely an undercelebrated holiday – but I’m sure we will have a hell of a time. Other upcoming shenanigans… Jean Short Party Bus, Fat Tuesday, St Pats in Chicago, concerts, PBR, and more road trips. I can’t wait J
As I close out this post – I thought it would be shorter, yet here I go rambling again – I will snag some words of wisdom from the hilarious and intelligent Amy Poehler…
“As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”
Challenge and inspire. Keep your eyes and your mind open. Learn from others. Change your life.
PS… we’ve got a thunderstorm going on right now J Perfect sleeping and snuggling weather. Write that down.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ugh. Hangovers.

Finishing a book is always a bittersweet moment for me. I become so emotionally involved with the characters and plot that it hurts a little bit to put my book down once I’ve finished the last page. Sometimes I have to go back and read specific excerpts to make sure that I’ve really finished reading it and that I didn’t miss anything. I think I read somewhere that I suffer from the occasional “book hangover” where I can’t start a new book until the previous book has worked its way out of my system. I am currently suffering from one such hangover after my latest read. I finished up February’s book club book today and I really am sad that I’m done reading it. I received this book as a gift MONTHS ago and haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. Since I hosted our last book club meeting, it was up to me to choose our next book. I knew that I’d like the book, but I never got it going – so why not drag people down with me and make them read it too J So far I think I’m the only one who’s finished the book… I can’t wait till our next meeting to see what everyone else thought of it! This book was definitely one that makes you think. It wasn’t one that you can just read about and forget. I won’t be able to NOT bring up this book in the future. On the book jacket, an author describes this book as “devastating and glorious” and I agree. So many devastating things lead to this woman’s glorious journey. And like I said – it will make you think. Thinking is good for you. It means your head still works – occasionally, anyway.
I had a lot of family time this weekend – which usually causes large amounts of anxiety. The holidays are done for a while, and that’s when you overdose on family – but when you have someone visit from out of state, you have to redo everything you’ve done the previous month. Exhausting. Big family dinner last night – margaritas included (and necessary) and then a big brunch today – mimosas included (and also necessary.) I learned something about myself this morning. I was working on completing a NEW recipe (thanks Pinterest) and people were hovering. I know it was all out of the kindness of their hearts, but let me cook the way I cook. GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN! So for future reference, readers – if you’re ever in the kitchen with me, please do not “suggest” I do something one way or offer to do part of it for me. Claws come out, and I may act like a little brat. If I wanted help, I’d ask for it – but other than that, just let me do it. Now I know why I always heard “GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND SIT DOWN” when I was younger if we were at my grandma’s house for a holiday. It really is better to do it yourself than have 10 people suggesting and offering things while you’re just trying to cook a damn meal. I didn’t realize I had taken that trait from my grandmas – but now I know. And I can’t decide if I like it or not… let’s cross our fingers though, that I got their cooking abilities. That would be FANTASTIC.
 I also got to put another check next to #49 on my 2013 List – go to shows and sporting events. A friend of mine plays in a band that covers a lot of awesome classic rock and also plays their own songs. I haven’t seen them play in over a year – maybe longer than that. It was a spur of the moment invite and decision to go, and I’m really glad I went. The place was PACKED – and it was nice to be in a place with such a high energy atmosphere. I sang my ass off and was surprised when I woke up this morning that I actually had a voice. My feet killed as well – but that will happen when you’re dancing to “Pour Some Sugar on Me” in 4 inch heels. I’m not even mad about it. I needed a girls’ night out with my “groupie crew.” **Backstory: I used to FREQUENT this band’s shows. And by frequent, I mean that every show they played in the Des Moines area, I was front and center – singing and dancing my ass off. Aka – I was a groupie.** In true Gimikk groupie tradition, I started out with some margaritas at El Rodeo, and my fellow groupie proclaimed “I am drinking wine and my ass AND my boobs are hanging out. Just like the old days.” Sigh. Good times. Feels good to reminisce about the “old days of being a crazy groupie.” Everyone needs to have a “groupie” stage in their life, right?
Ugh – I’m still fighting this hangover. The book hangover, ass holes – not the one from being a groupie. I just keep rereading the notes I left myself in the margins and the spots I have underlined. I have a new book sitting next to me, and I got some new books on my Nook – but I just can’t quite move on to the next book. Maybe I’ll sleep on it – and ponder my own journey. What I will be hoping to find, what I do end up finding, and how I’m going to get wherever I end up. And then what? Where do I go from here? I guess I won’t know until I get wherever it is I’m going.
I’ll make this a short and sweet entry – seeing as it is Sunday night and I’ve got a 13.5 hour work day ahead of me tomorrow. I’m sure most of you have to work also… oh wait – just kidding. Happy MLK Jr Day tomorrow – sleep in for me and relax for those of you who get the day off. Let’s finish this with a quick quote from February’s book club book (don’t worry book club members – I won’t give away the ending!) Here’s a little of what Cheryl Strayed has to say about life – your own life, and what happens:
How wild it was, to let it be.
I feel like I should sing a little “Let it Be” while I’m at it… but I don’t want to ruin it for you. Have a wonderful night – and although I have a busy week ahead of me, I promise I won’t neglect my avid readers. Hopefully I’ll have some more (successful) recipe stories as well as some insightful quotes, hilarious quips from ridiculous people and things, and who knows what else. Should be fun J
Mwah –
PS - in my last blog entry title, I need to mention that I borrowed "Yoga Sluts" from Erin. She is the one who called me a yoga slut, so I feel like I should give credit when credit is due (just know that I don't give a number twooooo - name that song, artist, and soundtrack and I may buy you a cookie. Or just give you a high-five.)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Closet Mean Girls, Yoga Sluts, and Year of the Rear

I’m so close to making it through the work week – and by “work week” I mean the Monday-Friday work week, seeing as how I will be working Saturday and Sunday – that I just want to crawl into bed and sleep till Monday. Again, not a particularly stressful or strenuous week, but just loooooong and drawn out. Yesterday I thought “wow – it’s hump day already?” and then today I thought “uuuuugh it’s only Thursday?!” It’s crazy how 24 hours can make such a big difference.
Monday was a Monday, just like any other Monday. Tuesday was a Tuesday – although I had another pretty decent workout. I’m telling you – if you have any amount of aggression that you need to get out of your body, beat the shit out of a punching bag for 45 minutes. You’ll feel like dying a little bit, but by the end you’ll feel much less tense and much more relaxed. I was still confused by a lot going on – but I can’t understand everything, no matter how much I try. So until I do understand it all, I’m going to just roll with it. Whatevs.
Tuesday night I was introduced to something new – a forum to write in. It was something I was initially hesitant about, but the more I thought about it and heard more about, I got really excited. I want to share my story with others, and I want to read others’ stories as well. The more you learn the more you grow – again, with the butchering of Dr Seuss. I shouldn’t do that – one of these days I’ll get the quote right and be able to repeat it! Anyway – I’ve gotten some good chats in so far with another girl in this forum… and it’s something I will absolutely be continuing to do. More to come on this… but for now, just the basics – I’m really glad I did it. I have a feeling that I will form a bond with the others in this forum that I may not have always had the opportunity to do. I’m so thankful for that.
I noticed something about myself last night after my core class – probably not the best thing, but it’s reality. With being involved in numerous athletic teams, workout groups, etc., I have found myself to be VERY competitive. And probably not the good, healthy kind of competitiveness. Basically – I’m an ass hole. Many of you knew this about me – but I just wanted to make sure that it was out there for the world to see. Or read – either one. So as I was in class last night, I’m thinking to myself “this class is SO MUCH easier than the OTHER yoga class I went to. The people in here OBVIOUSLY are new because they’re not nearly as flexible as ME.” I don’t outwardly say these things, but I do tend to have mean girl conversations with myself in my head. (CLOSET mean girl – not a MEAN, mean girl.) But then, after having these rude conversations in my head with myself (they happen more often than you’d think) I humble myself and go to a class where I’m NOT the best and think “wow these people have been doing this for a LONG time and they are OBVIOUSLY better than I am. I better work my ASS off so that my ass even looks like that girls’ ass.” (Remember – year of the rear!) I didn’t realize just how competitive I was until I started taking classes with more people in them. I’ve always been a solo gym rat – or maybe just with one other person who is the same or better in shape than me. These classes brought out my competitive side that I thought had been laid to rest with the rest of my high school fought battles of who would be on the “A” team. Wrong. That bitch in me has resurfaced. And for that – I should apologize to anyone at the gym whom I roll my eyes at (unknowingly) while you don’t punch as hard as I do, or those that I stare at in awe (again – unknowingly) while you do a complete forward fold in yoga and my knees are bent and hamstrings straining so they don’t snap in half. Looks like I’m just in the middle. And I am okay with that – as long as I have at least one person to “compete” with (and yes I know, there isn’t a first place for a workout class) then I know I’ll be getting a kick ass workout.
And on that note – I will change the subject… kind of. I purchased a new Groupon today for a different yoga studio in Des Moines. $40 for 10 yoga sessions… pretty excited about it. I did get called a yoga slut – which I thought was pretty rude. I just want to find what I like! If that makes me a yoga slut – well, so be it. I don’t care. I’ve found something that I REALLY like that I didn’t think I would… so I’m going to keep at it. Get at it! I’m going to spin class in the morning – haven’t been to one in a while… so this should hurt REAL good. But if I plan on getting my certification to teach a spin class this year, I better get my ass in spin gear. Not just the spandex and clips for class – but like in SHAPE. Year of the rear, bitches.
This really is a random entry – I went back and read through what I’ve said for the last page… I’m real random. I think I need some sleep. Two hours left of work – and then I can go curl up in bed with Toby… only to get up 6 hours later to go kick my ass in spin. And by kick my ass I mean get my ass kicked. Pretty excited. Kind of. Not really. And as I discuss being excited, “Pump Up the Jam” begins playing at the gym. Perfection.
As a spur of the moment thing today, I signed up to Adopt a US Soldier. A friend of mine has adopted one, and I thought it would be something I’d like to do. I’d get very anxious awaiting a response from a letter or email, but I think it’s something I really would love to do. There are so many soldiers out fighting for our country who don’t have the outpouring of support that others do. Also – I know how much I love receiving mail so why wouldn’t someone else? Especially someone who is that far from home. I should know in the next few days who my soldier is – and I can’t wait to start writing. I need to stock up on my Lisa Frank stationary so this soldier is SUPER excited to get mail from me written in sparkly gel pens.
As I’ve said in previous posts, I LOVE the support that I’ve been receiving from my friends. I’ve gotten Facebook messages, texts, and emails – letting me know their thoughts on my blog. It feels great knowing that people are actually reading this and that they are actually ENJOYING what they’re reading. I’m glad that I’ve evoked emotion from those of you who read it and I hope to continue.
And now the part of the evening you’ve been waiting for – the quote! I’ve found a lot of great quotes while reading February’s book club book… so I’ve tried to sticky-note them all or put them in my phone so I don’t forget them. For tonight’s inspirational quote, I pull from Part 4 of Wild – and borrow the wise words of Winston Churchill:
“Never never never give up.”
Never give up – on your goals, hopes, and dreams. Don’t give up on something that you think you may never achieve. Just try, work hard, and if it doesn’t work – try again. Never never NEVER give up.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered –

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Binging and Purging - No, not THAT kind

I don’t really know how to start out this entry – I have a lot I’d like to write, but no real way to start it. I’m very glad I made it through the past week, so I suppose I could start there. It seems like each negative was then counteracted by a positive, and for that – I am grateful. With that being said, it seems like one thing after another was piled on top of me. Things I never expected to hear so soon – things I really didn’t have time to wrap my head around. So much confusion and negativity. So much RIDICULOUSNESS and so many emotions. I feel like I’ve been on a crazy rollercoaster all week long – and I’m glad for it to finally be over. I survived – and that’s all that matters right now. But like I said before, each negative was accompanied by a positive. Had it been a strictly NEGATIVE week, I would be curled up in the fetal position until Monday, only to hold back tears heading into work. But it wasn’t – I had MANY positives this week to bring me up when I had dropped down low.
Tuesday started out as well as any Tuesday would start, after the type of Monday I had. It ended much differently than I had anticipated, and I got the best kickboxing workout of my LIFE. Some things are hard to understand, and I have found an outlet for my aggression and confusion – working out. It used to be something I did because I had to – after being involved in athletics for years, a workout was just a continuation of a practice or game. Into college, it didn’t change much – I did some intramurals and worked out occasionally, but really just something to pass the time. I got back into a program and loved it, and made it to every class because I had someone who would be meeting me there. But things change, as did my workouts – but now I’m glad to be back on track. Something I look forward to doing each day I am able. I ended my Tuesday post-workout with another phone date, two actually. I’m so thankful for the amazing friends I have. They are there for me, no questions asked. Sure I may get the occasional “you’re an idiot, what are you doing” but I’d expect that from any of my friends. With the “negatives” I’ve been a part of lately, it’s even better that I have them all around me. Near or far, they are here. Just a phone call away. Love you all – thank you so much for helping me and being there for me. You know I’m here for you too – no matter the circumstances.
Anyway – I’d hoped Wednesday would be better than Tuesday. It started out just as crazy as the previous two days, with plenty of time to think (pretty busy clinic day so I was alone a lot) about what is happening with my life. Wednesday night was book club though – and I knew I had to concentrate on that in order for it to run smoothly. We had a new addition to the group – hooray! Another night of great conversation, book talks, and just a night to forget. Or a night to discuss – either way. Back to a positive following a negative, I reconnected with an old friend this week. It’s great how small of a world it is, where someone from your past can come back into your life and you can move forward from there. Sometimes that isn’t the best thing and sometimes it’s just INSANE – but that’s a story for a different time J Back to book club… my new/old friend will be joining us in our next book club meeting next month! The more the merrier… you can never have too many gals gathered together talking about books!
As far as Thursday goes, I wasn’t really sure what it would bring. It was a day I would have celebrated before, but didn’t get the chance to this year. I think I’m grateful, but yet it’s hard. It’s something you’d already done and had planned on doing forever, but now – well, you just don’t know. Anyway… back to the rest of my Thursday. I was ready for another hard work out, and I definitely got it. I was still sore from Tuesday’s kick ass workout, but I knew this one would hurt just as bad. After 10,000 squats – my legs were jell-o. My arms were shaking from the body weight work and the hundreds of push-ups. I’m exaggerating the numbers – but seriously, we did a LOT of those. Came home for a relaxing night – actually pretty uneventful. Except for the viewing of Pitch Perfect – again. Had a wonderful sister date with wine and leftover buffalo chicken dip (by the way I forgot to mention – two NEW recipes for book club the previous note… both successful! I’m taking this cooking/baking thing seriously – I’ll be good at it before I know it!) Love my sister for being a rock for me too – I’m so happy she’s back from being on the other side of the world with me, but now she’s back at school and not hanging out with me every night. But two hours away is better than being in a different time zone with 10 hours difference.
When it was FINALLY Friday – I could not have been happier. I had made it through the week. Quite possibly one of the hardest weeks of my life – and that’s saying a lot. It was more mentally exhausting than anything else – but I had made it. And to reward myself for strengthening my brain, I decided to try a new class. I tried out a sculpting yoga class. I read about it online, and it was a mix of cardio, weights, as well as an introduction to a HOT yoga class. I was TERRIFIED. But also super excited – it’s something new and challenging I hadn’t tried before – and by that point, I was game for anything. So – I got there early, met the instructor and settled in. I guess I didn’t take into account that an “introduction to HOT yoga” actually meant “the room will be 90 degrees and you’re going to sweat your ass off during a warm up.” Now for those of you who know me well, I sweat like a beast as it is. Getting thrown in a room that starts out 90 degrees and then working out in it for an hour is seriously awful. I sweat through my entire outfit and when the instructor told us to take our arms wide and off our mats to do pushups, the girl next to me (sweating equally as much as me) and I looked at each other and laughed because there was NOT A CHANCE that we would take our hands off the mat for fear of slipping and smacking our faces onto the ground. No thank you. That class was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. Again with the squats – good lord. Our instructor said it was the “year of the rear.” Well if I don’t have the best looking ass around, I will be PISSED. I think these people are trying to kill me. After class, I spoke with a member at the gym (where I work) and he had mentioned how there was an instructor in town who would be teaching a class Saturday morning and asked if I was going. I hadn’t really planned on it, but after he told me that it would “change my life” by going to his class, I HAD to go.
Saturday morning I gathered my aching body out of bed, got dressed and headed for the East Village to partake in this “life changing” event. After driving around for 10 minutes to find the place, I finally went in to secure a place near the back of the room where I wouldn’t look like a complete newbie. I received a very warm, thankful welcome from Justin – the ex-cage fighting Yogi. He was covered in tattoos, wasn’t your typical “yoga” man, and actually looked terrifying. And as we went through class, the member at the gym was right – seriously LIFE CHANGING. Justin has amazing energy and you could feel it surging through the room as he spoke. He exuded confidence, and not in the cocky way that it usually shows in someone. It was so powerful, I found myself nearly in tears a few different times during the class. The part that registered the most to me came at the end of the class. He spoke about how you cannot think about the past or the future – you can only live in the now. What’s happened has happened, and what will happen in the future, will happen and there’s nothing you can do. You must live and flourish in the now. The only thing holding you back from moving through the now and into the future – is yourself. As the waterworks tried to begin, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He was right – this is my life, my now. To become who I want to be, means I cannot dwell on what has happened or what will happen. Live for the now – and I intend to follow through with that.
I bet you’re wondering why I titled this entry “Binging and Purging.” No – I have not gotten into an eating disorder. I love food too much to throw it back up. What a waste. It was more of a metaphor – binging and purging things in my life. I am “binging” (if you will) on the positives in my life – such as friends, family, food, new experiences, opportunities, etc. I am “purging” the negatives from my life. I know life will always have some type of negative to accompany it, but I want to focus on the positives. I spent the rest of Saturday with my beautiful, pregnant friend – catching up on everything that’s been going on in our lives and where to go from here. I hadn’t seen her since her wedding in June and this was MUCH needed for us. We talk all the time, but spending time together, one-on-one, is so much better. This week was a learning experience – and I know it will only help me grow in the end. But what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger (thanks Kelly Clarkson) and I’ll continue to move on.
As I said in my last entry… I’m going to end them with a quote from now on. My quote for today comes from an unknown author (and also found on Pinterest – go figure.)
“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”
On that note – I’m out for the day. I’m hoping to get more than one entry in a week, so mentally prepare yourselves for the ridiculousness that I’m POSITIVE will ensue as I continue to write.
Focus and keep aiming –

Monday, January 7, 2013

Yoga, Galas, and Ridiculousness

After a crazy couple of weeks with the holidays, I think I’m FINALLY getting back into a routine. Having a holiday on a Tuesday, and still having to work the eve of said holiday, makes it difficult to get through your week. I’m not real impressed with it. But now that they’re done for a while, I can relax and get back into a schedule. I’ve gotten a few things in progress for checking off my list, one by one I’ll get them all done. (Hey – that rhymed!)

This past weekend, I got together for an impromptu house party/post birthday celebration and played a new game. If you’ve played Apples to Apples and LOVED it, AND if you’re a horrible person like I am, you MUST play this game. It’s called Cards Against Humanity and is truly terrible. And by terrible, I mean TERRIBLY AWESOME. It’s Apples to Apples for ass holes. Basically. I haven’t laughed so hard where I threatened to literally pee myself than I did playing this game, in a LONG time. So inappropriate, so hilarious… definitely not a family game – unless your family is a bunch of ass holes and knows what a lot of these mean… maybe save for a party sans the fam.

Ooh side note – I’ve made my bed every day since New Year’s Day. Props to me!! So far so good – only like 51 more weeks to continue to make it. I suppose it’s not REALLY that hard to make my bed every day, I just never did it so I never got in the habit. I’ve heard it takes two weeks to begin a new habit, and to break one, so here’s a cheers into week two of the new year… and me making my bed.

I was also invited to a gala this weekend. I know you’re all incredibly jealous that I’d be invited to such a prestigious event, so be jealous. At this birthday gala, we wore our best dresses and suits (courtesy of Goodwill, old bridesmaid dresses, and items from garage sales) to celebrate the 2nd annual fancy gala. I loved it. Got to recycle my bright purple bridesmaid dress that I probably won’t wear again (unless I’m invited to another fancy gala, obviously) and I got some fake Toms to add some sparkly to my outfit. Along with a Kardashian bun – which you can obviously NEVER go wrong with a Kardashian bun. As I write this, I am currently rocking one. Sassy – I know. Helps me pick up dudes at the gym – the ones I tweet about as well as the ones who just signed up and will be gone within the next month and I’ll never see again. Tis the season for busy gym days – only to be back to normal by mid-February. Yay resolutions that no one follows through with!

I tried out a new yoga studio in West Glen on Sunday – I purchased a Groupon a couple months ago and had yet to use it… woops – so I printed off a free week pass and got my sleepy body to Power 1 Yoga on Sunday after lunchtime. If you’ll refer back to my list, #13 states – “become a yoga enthusiast.” Well I didn’t figure I’d become one after one class, but it’s a good start. Plus I have the rest of the week to enjoy free classes and then another 6 sessions to enjoy. First thing I notice about the studio as I walk in, besides the fact that there were two half naked, beautifully toned men standing behind the desk, was how nice it was. Actually right now I don’t remember what it looks like – but I can picture those yoga bods. Yet I digress…………….. back to the #13 on my list – yoga enthusiast. Well I sure had some enthusiasm after THAT sight. Again – I digress. The locker rooms were very nice, and very small and crowded – but we tossed our stuff in one and headed to studio number 2. I immediately started sweating as I walked in the door. I didn’t realize this was a hot yoga class – it wasn’t really, just a warm roomed yoga class. And it was totally PACKED. I don’t think we could have put one more body in there if we tried. There were roughly 4 inches between me and the person on either side of me. I really did enjoy the class – and I will definitely be going back to the studio. A different atmosphere than a normal gym or even the group fitness classes. Plus we got to take a little nap at the end of class (not really a nap but I could have fallen asleep) and we did a “Namaste” before leaving. And I think we did roughly 50 chaturangas. You Yogis know what those are – you non-Yogis (like the OLD me) may have no idea. High plank to low plank to upward facing dog (ish) to downward facing dog. I’m surprisingly more sore than I thought I would be – and it was so hot in there I was dying. But I want to go back for a few different classes – there’s a Barre class (not to be confused with a Bar class that I like to do on Friday and Saturday nights while mixing some cocktails) and a sculpting class (not the clay kind, the yoga kind) that are both calling my name. And maybe if I get ballsy enough, I’ll try an official HOT yoga class. I’m terrified just thinking of how bad I’ll be sweating in there.

Book Club meeting number two is this week – and I’m about halfway through. I should have finished reading it tonight, but there’s been plenty going on today to keep my head completely occupied. Oof.

Real quick – just a rhetorical question… is my life for real right now? Sometimes I think I’m being punked, other times I think this is hilarious because it’s someone else’s life. Maybe I should write in to Chelsea Lately just to discuss the ridiculousness that is my life as of late. I bet she’d love it – and then I could meet her sooner, and then I could check #29 off my list for meeting Chelsea Handler!! I’ll start writing that chapter later… not a bad idea.

Back to book club… I just realized I haven’t decided what snacks to get/make… looks like during our busy clinic tomorrow I’ll be sitting on Pinterest to help find some recipes that are quick and easy to make up for Wednesday night! I get to choose the next book we read since I’m hosting – and I’d put it on here to give some of you a head start… but I’m going to wait for the reveal until AFTER Wednesday! I’m glad I finally got this started – I love sitting with a bunch of girls who love reading as much as I do. It’s great to find a group where you’re similar in that way, but live different lifestyles otherwise.

I got to do one of my most favorite things EVER tonight – have a phone date. Not the kind you have to pay for, sickos – the one where you talk to your friends and catch up with them. I LOVE having these and I need to start doing them more often. It’s great to know that you have friends who you may not see often, but no matter when you call, it’s like you just saw them yesterday. Always the same love and friendship, no matter the time between calls. I love my friends – and would do just about anything for them – I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that. Right Meatloaf? Although we never do know what “that” really is… someone google it and let me know.

I’m finishing up the last of my 13.5 hour workday, and I am ready just crawl into bed and try and forget today happened. Maybe not forget it happened, but just really think about everything. Maybe I’ll do some yoga stretches before crawling into bed so I can relax my mind, my body, my soul. And get ready for another day, full of something possible new, different, and unexpected. I’m not positive that I’m looking forward to it… but we’ll just see.

Happy reading everyone – I hope you get a quick giggle occasionally. Writing has become very fun for me – perhaps because I don’t HAVE to do it and get graded on it. Maybe I’ve found a passion I never knew I had. Who knows – the more I write, the more I know. The more I know, the more I grow. Pretty sure I just butchered some Dr Seuss – but it’s the same basic idea.

Quickly, before I start my closing duties for the night – I decided I’ll end each entry with a quote. Maybe something well-known, or something I just stumbled across (probably from Pinterest). And this one, fairly accurate for my current situation, comes from Nelson Mandela –

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

So find your passion, don’t settle, and LIVE.

Exes and Ohhhs…


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: May the Odds be Ever in your Favor

As I relaxed on the couch today with a bag of chips and a container of dip, I turn on TLC and see the marathon for "My 600-lb Life." Naturally, I must turn it on and watch. I was terrified the entire time. Yet I kept eating the chips and dip - that combination is basically my kryptonite. After watching the show for 3 hours I thought I should probably get off the couch and to the gym. (By the way - I wasn't eating chips and dip that entire 3 hours... I put it away at a commercial.) Well - that didn't happen. I changed clothes and had every intention of going, but it just didn't happen. So like everyone else in America, I'm going to start going to the gym regularly again, tomorrow. I was cold today, comfy on the couch... just wasn't in the cards for me today. Yet I digress...............

As I relaxed on the couch today with a bag of chips and a container of dip, I had a lot of time to reflect. I got to reflect on the past year and think of everything to come in the upcoming year. A lot went on in 2012, and I know I learned something from every little thing that happened. Although things that happened may not have been my first, second, or any choice at all - that doesn't mean I didn't learn something from them. Lots of time to reflect and lots of time to plan things for the year.

Part of me wants to plan things, but another part of me wants to just see what happens and go with it. Everything happens for a reason right? But now that I have an officially, official list - I can just start checking things off. I can't WAIT.

I suppose I should recap some of the new things I tried last week - it's been a while since I wrote. Well it was obviously Christmas last week, and I ate the same stuff we have every year - with the exception of some new recipes that a couple different people tried for Christmas Eve dinner. And I suppose I have tried some new wines... which is always a good idea. Last Thursday, I had a date night with my twin. Not really my twin, but being friends since kindergarten basically makes you the same person. We went to a new restaurant - Louie's Wine Dive - and I am HIGHLY recommending it. Definitely a different menu, but the food was great and they have a lot of different wines. I ordered a glass of Moscato - because I've never met a Moscato I didn't like - and the Mahi Mahi. (I thought about ordering just one Mahi because I wasn't that hungry... but I settled for both Mahis. Feel free to "LOL" if you get the reference.) That was a DELICIOUS dinner and I'm definitely going back. Like I said, a lot of different things on the menu but I'm looking forward to trying them. After dinner, we went to The Playhouse to see The Wizard of Oz. I suppose this is one that I can mark off my list - 49) Go to shows and sporting events - locally famous or a little more famous. This show was put on by people in Des Moines - locally famous. The girl who played Dorothy was a freshman in high school and when she talked, she sounded EXACTLY like Judy Garland. I was extremely impressed. I need to look through their schedule for upcoming shows as well - I forget about them sometimes and need to make sure I go to more shows!

So there we go - one down, 49 more to go!

And here's an update/wrap up for the evening - our second book club meeting is next week!! I am hosting so I'm sure there will be mild panic on my part as I try and figure out exactly what to make, what questions to ask, etc. for the meeting... plus I need to get past the first chapter in the book without crying so I can read the rest of it and have questions to ask at the end. That will be the hardest part. Yikes. Onto the subject of cooking, I have found a master chef - or at least on his way to becoming one - to help me with my cooking. I can't wait for the lessons to start - by this time next year I'm sure I'll have my own restaurant opened up. Like I've tweeted before: best way to become a chef - drink wine and watch Ratatouille. I'll have my own restaurant in no time.

I've gotten a lot of feedback already from you avid, loyal readers - and I wanted to thank you. This journey will be in-tents (get it? intense = in tents, journey... get it? No? Mk.) and I am really grateful for all of the support I have received.

And on that sappy note... I'm out. This bed's been calling my name ALL DAY and I need to get up and go to the gym in the morning. Me and the thousands of other people who's New Year's Resolution to "get back into shape" starts tomorrow. Can't wait.

Happy New Year, everyone - and let's get 2013 rolling.
