Monday, April 22, 2013

Just - Blah.

I knew waking up today that it wasn't going to be the best day I've ever had. Sure - not the worst, but not even CLOSE to an above average awesomeness day. I was way too cozy to get out of bed - I mean, I could hear the rain coming down, I could feel Toby curled up on my feet, and there was just NO CHANCE I would be getting out of bed to do anything productive. So I stayed curled up in bed a little bit too long - all my fault, I know - and then had to rush around to get moving. I needed to make coffee, pack a lunch and dinner (double shift Monday) and also get stuff for work tonight. I got everything ready just in time to walk out the door and forget my umbrella. Oh well - I've done it before. Plus my galoshes were in my car - good place for them since I had to step through puddles and mud to get to my car. Whatevs - today will still be a good day. And then I realize that there is precipitation happening and I remember that EVERYONE out on the road (except for me of course) forgets how to drive when there water in any shape or form on the roads. So basically - idiots everywhere. Slamming on breaks, driving 10 under the speed limit, and just being a pain in my ass. So glad I'm perfect.

Made it to work with plenty of time to spare - came in and realized that no one had turned the phones over on Friday to the answering service... which basically means anyone who called in wouldn't get transferred to the on-call doc. First "F" bomb of the day. PS - this was at 7:45. Good start. Well we didn't have any angry voicemails - thank goodness - so that made me feel better. Then Chatty Cathy came in and I just wasn't feeling it. I was crabby and tired already, and didn't feel like having a loud, unnecessary conversation just quite yet. Mama hasn't had her coffee yet - give me an hour. But did I get an hour? Sure didn't. By 8:45 I had already thought about punching three people, threatened to "Office Space" the copy machine, and actually told someone I'd slit their throat. Slightly aggressive. Then to make matters worse - I get to cover for everyone else. Okay not EVERYONE else - but enough people that I'm getting a little sick of it. So here I go, up to the phone room - aka dungeon - until we have clinic at 11. NONSTOP PHONE CALLS. I was nearly in tears after 5 calls because the phone wouldn't stop ringing. (Chalk that up to PMS... thanks Mother Nature... you bitch) So anyway - millions of calls. Then I find out clinic gets moved to one so I'm stuck in the dungeon for another hour and a half. WAHHHHHHH. By this point I'm slamming my pen, banging on my desk, and dropping at least one "F" bomb each time the phone rang. I quit keeping track of those. When I finally got to leave - I was super crabby. Went down to have some leftover pizza from Fong's and a salad (womp womp) and during that time - find out our clinic has been cancelled. Well shit. I'm crossing my fingers that the dungeon has slowed down and I'm not needed. Silly me.

Back up to the dungeon for the rest of the day. Damn near as busy as this morning. I was screaming at the phone by the end of the day. There were two of us in there and we were both about ready to lose it. Not a pretty sight. I had groups of notes to task out to people, and couldn't get a spare minute to get it done. I had to turn off my phone for a minute so I could get all caught up. How obnoxious.

After finally finishing there for the day - I am NOT in a good mood. Once I got to job #2 for the day I actually had a couple people ask me what's wrong. Note to self: stop frowning, otherwise I'll need Botox by 30. Not pretty. Plus - frown lines are way less attractive than laugh lines. Tonight there are just a ton of rude people and people who don't know what's going on. And they all come at the same time. I felt like a brat but I was so over this day by 10 am that I'm just barely making it through right now.

Then to be even more bratty - I was at the point where I was saying rude things on purpose, taking it personally when someone talks about their great job (thinking they're obviously taking a jab at my shit jobs) and just feeling like everyone is way better than me. I'm hoping that it's just a "case of the Mondays" and I'll be back to normal tomorrow... but we will see. Also - I think that if someone told me I had a case of the Mondays today I probably would punch them directly in the face. Definitely that kind of day.

I even downloaded new books today! That should have put me in a great mood! But leading up to that, my "books to read" list had somehow gotten deleted from my phone. So wah wah for me. And after resetting my email password tonight my phone kept telling me I had the wrong password. So that almost got thrown through the window. Basically - I just need to go back to bed, and hope tomorrow is a better day.

So my quick quote for the day - straight up and to the point. A good thought to get you through a shitty day:

"Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit."

Now that I'm done with my crap day - I'll just forget about it. Today happened, it sucked, but oh well. I'll get over it and tomorrow WILL be better. Because I say it will be. And what I say - goes.

Peace out homies,


PS - I'm sorry if I threatened you today. I was grouchy and probably hungry. And sleepy. So - sorry about that. I don't think I meant it. Unless you were being a dumb ass - then I probably did. That is directed toward YOU, idiot drivers.

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