Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cheesecake and Contentment - A Recipe for Success

As I begin week four of my new job, I can’t help but smile. I got a great workout in this morning, it felt like fall when I walked outside, and I got a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (they’re back!) on my way in. I went to bed with my laundry put away, the floor vacuumed, and the scent of freshly blown out candles wafting around my apartment. I’d been enjoying my last couple weeks since my last post, with lots of yoga, delicious food, and time with friends. As I ease into September, it finally feels like I know what I’m doing. 2012 sucked, 2013 has been decent, and I’m really looking forward to what 2014 brings.

Like I said before – I’ve spent a lot of time in yoga the past few weeks. I’ve enjoyed classes at Gray’s Lake and I’ve sweat it out in Lululemon’s Showroom. But mostly, I’ve fallen in love with the classes, people, and ideals at Power Life Yoga. So much so – that I’ve worked out a work trade with them. Three hours of work at week, and free yoga classes to follow. It’s been such an amazing experience for me that I’ve also thought about teacher training. I’m still throwing it around my mind… because I may almost rather enjoy the classes without having to worry about what to teach next. I’ve got some time to figure it out though. No matter what I decide though, I’ll be forever a yogi.

I celebrated Restaurant Week in Des Moines with some of my favorites – with a trip to Fleming’s. Oh em gee. So delicious. If it weren’t so expensive, I’d want to be there at LEAST once a month. The atmosphere is awesome and the wine is even AWESOMER (yeah – awesomer for sure). Their cheesecake is seriously amazing too. So for sure – go get some of that. It’s a very close tie in cheesecake between Fleming’s and Sakari. Interesting choice between places eh? Then this past week, I got invited to help celebrate promotions with some friends and they decided to go to 801 Grand Steakhouse. And when I say oh em gee about Fleming’s, I REALLY mean OH EM GEE about 801. I had some yummy Moscato (because you can’t go wrong there) and tried some Carpaccio – I didn’t know what it was till I tried it. Super tasty though – I’ll eat that again. Then I had a giant Caesar salad which I accidentally said “sure” when they asked if I wanted sardines on it. So those little guys got pushed off to the side. But THEN I got to the rest of the meal. Garlic mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and pistachio encrusted lamb chops. Wow wow wow. My mouth is watering again just THINKING about the deliciousness of this meal. And to top off the meal, I shared a slice of cheesecake with raspberries drizzled all over it. I can’t even handle how yummy it all was. After eating that entire meal all I wanted to do was sleep. And so I did. I was so full. But it was SO worth it.

I just realized how much I just wrote about food. I love food. So much.

And maybe one of the best parts about this past week – FOOTBALL!! Saturday was the season opener for state schools and it was fantastic reading everyone’s statuses and seeing their tailgating pictures. I was so jealous. I miss college. And all I have to show for it is a degree I don’t use and student loans I’ll be paying off till I retire. But it was so fun. And congrats Panthers on your win – I’d rather you win than two weeks from now during the Iowa/Iowa State game and the stupid Hawkeyes pull a win out their asses. Because then those fools will not shut UP about it. Such poor winners. But even worse losers. All right – enough with that… I know Cyclone fans can be real dicks too. Just not quite as bad J

I had a little epiphany while practicing a week or so ago. We were in savasana (corpse pose) at the end of class one Saturday morning, and our instructor kept talking about santosha. Santosha means “contentment” and “satisfaction.” Basically – doing whatever you need to be content in life. It really settled deep within my mind. Perfection is so completely unattainable – but contentment can happen so easily. You don’t have to lead a PERFECT life. You can be satisfied and content with what you have.

Which leads me to my next thought: church. I went to church growing up, but then never really made it back. I don’t necessarily say I’m a non-religious person, but more spiritual. I don’t go to church, but I think I have found my “church.” Yoga has helped clear my mind, bring new meaning to things I haven’t thought about before, and opened my eyes. I come out of class with a more focused look at what’s happening in my life and where I want to go from here. What I want to do next. I love that feeling.

“Be daring. Be different. Be impractical. Be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.”
– Cecil Beaton

I’ve found my church. My sanctuary may not have a cross or a preacher, but I do come out of it feeling the same way. I’ve got a clear focus, an open mind, and a feeling in my heart that I’m doing life RIGHT.



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