Monday, December 23, 2013


Merry Christmas Eve Eve today lovelies – I hope you’ve already eaten your share of sweets and gotten a tummy ache before the actual holiday arrives. That may have been me the last couple days at work. I can’t help it! When someone brings in snacks, why WOULDN’T I eat it all? I’ve been nicknamed the Candy Monster, because I love candy (duh – who doesn’t?) and any kind of sweets. I just can’t stop. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Blood in, blood out homie. Totally off topic – my bad.

Wait wait WAIT. I forgot about the AWESOME news I heard this afternoon… there’s a new yoga instructor in town WOOP WOOP! Nope – not me… maybe someday… but it’s officially official TODAY… Shayne is a brand new yoga instructor!! The audition was last week and it obviously went well since they want him to come teach. I’m SO proud of all the hard work he put in – mentally and physically – to get to where he is now. And now I have more classes to go to… and I’ll pass along the schedule as soon as I get it so you all can join in to the yoga community!

This past week was actually not THAT busy. I worked my normal Monday night (last week’s blog was brought to you during my front desk shift, as is this one) and Tuesday I had zero plans. Fighting Burrito got in my belly – it’s almost as good as it was in Ames – and then I watched a few episodes of The Office (my latest Netflix conquest… more on that later.) After the audition, we watched Elysium (SO good) and other crappy TV. Wednesday night was twin date night (long story short – one of my friends since kindergarten and I “look alike” per our dads – basically we both had blondish hair and wore a hat so we clearly were identical) at the Gramercy Tap. A yummy chicken burger with jalapeno cranberry mayo (sounds weird but it was delish) and a couple Tank 7’s later I was home watching a little bit more of The Office. Okay – so here’s my deal with The Office. I didn’t watch it when it was on, I just always heard people talk about how good it was. The first few episodes I wasn’t that impressed – until I got hooked on the Jim and Pam relationship. And now – I love it. I just finished up season 3 last night (I pretty much watched the entire season yesterday) and they are FINALLY going on a date. HOORAY! Is it weird how invested in their relationship that I am? I mean – it’s like me being invested in Lily and Marshall’s relationship from HIMYM or Blair and Chuck from Gossip Girl. Does that mean I watch too much TV? Nah probably not. Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Thursday night’s festivities consisted of lazing around watching Cops – that show is just INSANE. I was enjoying the lazy night because I knew the rest of the weekend wouldn’t allow for it. Friday was a crazy day – our president’s last day – and we were having a roast for him at the end of the day. Around 2:30 we headed to HyVee to pick up a man bouquet (a little plant in a basket with a 6 pack of Iowa beers) and enough beer for everyone to have a couple during the roast. The afternoon flew by and the roast was pretty hilarious. I haven’t been with the company long enough to really have developed a relationship with him, but it’s amazing to see the impact he’s had on people who have worked with him from the beginning. And who knows what the future will hold – maybe I will end up working for him again!

After the roast, I headed to the mall for a 6-11 shift. I HATE the malls during the holidays and the mall was nuts that night. Plus – holiday hours. Which means the mall didn’t CLOSE until 10, rather than 9. Lame for sure. I made it home around 10:45 and crawled straight into bed – only to be awoken at 7 am by the devil children upstairs. Before I move out of that place I WILL be leaving a passive-aggressive note on their door that says something along the lines of “control your children please” or “don’t give them a bowling ball at 7 am to drop through the ceiling on a Saturday morning.” One of those two. We’ll see. After my rude wake up call, I made some coffee and trekked across the parking lot to PLY. I put in my three hour cleaning shift and brought a newbie into the 11:30 freebie class. After the great sweat/stretch session, we headed to Palmer’s for an Apple Orchard sandwich (noms) and some chats. After lunch I headed home because I needed to prep for the Ugly Sweater Birthday Bar Crawl that would be happening later that night. Plus I was going to be playing “college girl” and pre-game and get ready at the same time. I needed a little time to decompress before shenanigans. And let me tell you – shenanigans were had. Who says turning 27 is lame? That shit was fun. I got to catch up with some people I haven’t talked to in forever, met some new people, and realized that I am WAY too old to be doing that. But it was so so fun! Plus – any chance you have to dress up is something you should ALWAYS do. Yay theme parties! (Sigh… I miss college.)

Sunday I was WORTHLESS. After waking up at 8 am with a nasty headache, I took some ibuprofen and headed outside to brush all the snow off my car. By the time I had to leave for work 3 hours later, the property management team still hadn’t cleaned off the sidewalks. After an hour at work, and plenty of people in the parking lot I wanted to punch, I got to go home. The store was SO DEAD and there were way too many people working. So I came home, sat my ass on the couch and DID NOT MOVE until it was time to go to bed. After season 3 finished. Rough life eh? Sometimes you need a day to do zero thinking. It’s healthy.

While I was working today, I tried to do a little organizing and de-cluttering. I’ll soon be taking on new responsibilities and felt I needed to be a little more organized at my desk. And that got me thinking about de-cluttering more than just my desk. I needed to clean out the clutter in other areas of my life as well. My apartment, my email, my social media – all could use a good cleanse. I’ve found myself becoming annoyed with a lot of things lately – mostly involving stuff I see on Facebook. It used to be such a great “networking” tool – aka finding people who lived on the floor of your dorm and creeping on them – and now it just seems like a sounding board for people to either brag or bitch. And those who bitch are the ones who annoy me. It’s usually petty crap that doesn’t really matter in the long run, maybe something that made you mad and then you forget about two weeks later. In hopes I don’t sound like a dick (although I’m sure I will) – stop complaining. Your life really isn’t THAT bad. Most people DON’T care and you’re really only writing it to vent. Just a thought – Facebook is NOT your diary. If you want to vent about something that made YOU mad and affects ZERO other people, write it in your diary. Stop bitching. [End Rant] And back to the clutter – or the process of de-cluttering. Think about that. Do it in your own life. What can you get rid of that doesn’t serve you in some way? Something else I’m slowly doing – unsubscribing. I wake up in the morning with 15 emails about literally NOTHING and I get them periodically through the day. They’re eating up battery on my phone each time I check them, and they’re all so unnecessary. UNSUBSCRIBE. I have a feeling there is going to be a mental de-cluttering coming up soon in my life – we’ll see how this turns out. I bet I makes me happier. And if you get more happy than you already are, why not do something to supplement that?
Spend time with your friends and family this week, next week, the rest of 2013. Let’s go into 2014 with a bang and kick some ass.

Take some names while you’re at it,


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