Thursday, January 30, 2014

Whole Ass It

Hello hello all! It’s odd for me to be writing on any day but Monday – but I had things to do. Like getting over a NASTY cold and putting my Christmas decorations away. Yes I realize it’s damn near February, but I had things to do. Other things. Like going to Hawaii and not sticking around for post-holiday sales where I could get more Christmas decorations for 80 percent off, and a bag or box to keep my tree in. Other things. My bad.

But now I’m BACK! And if you haven’t gotten sick of me yet, well – you just might over the next month. Why you ask? Well. Since you asked – I shall tell. (I know you’re curious anyway.) So – here goes. Beginning on Monday (February 3rd) I will be blogging DAILY. Because I will have two things that start on that day. The first is a 20/30 Yoga Challenge – 20 yoga practices in 30 days. I don’t win anything, but it’s a new challenge for me. And just think how calm and zen-ed out I’ll be after 20 yoga classes. My plan is to try out as many DIFFERENT classes as possible during that time. I mean – I get it for free anyway so why WOULDN’T I try out new classes? I want and need to build and better my practice as is, so more Power 1.5 and Power 2’s, more Sculpt (Embrace the Suck!), some relaxing Restore, and even some Barre classes. So if any of you would care to join me in this journey, please do! It’s always more fun to challenge yourself like this with friends by your side.

And the other thing that starts Monday… may just kill me. Or maybe it won’t – because whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… right Kelly Clarkson? (Have I said this before? I feel like I have. Whatevs. Sorry I’m not sorry.) I’ve got a partner in crime or two or three who will be going on this journey with me as well… and this one is the Whole30 Challenge. Again – I don’t win anything, except for probably better health. So what’s the “Whole30?” Well here’s a link for you to check it out - - and it’s pretty scary. Very similar to a Paleo diet, Whole30 takes you back to the Stone Age by not allowing any dairy products, alcohol, grains, or sugars. So pretty much – everything I eat on a daily basis. The part that seems to be the most DIFFICULT part of this – no alcohol. I mean I’m sure I can do it, but sometimes you just want a glass (bottle) of wine after a long day. Or maybe a couple beers while watching football. Maybe it’s a good thing we are starting this AFTER the Super Bowl so I don’t break my streak after ONE DAY. So basically – lots of protein, veggies, some fruit, and some “good” fats. We’re not allowed to weigh or measure at any time during this 30 day trip – which is fine by me, the scale is the devil’s little sister – and no calorie counting during that time. I’ve got MyFitnessPal on my phone so I’ll have to not log anything at that time. It feels a little like I’ll be entering a detox program, which I guess it kind of is. But I have my sponsor’s number – so if I feel like eating cottage cheese and chugging a beer, I’ll just give my sponsor a call and we can go for a run or take a trip to the yoga studio instead. (I use the term “sponsor” very lightly – as I am not in AA or any type of Anonymous organization… but it kind of feels that way.) It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be REALLY hard. But I’m going to do it. I haven’t done anything “hard” for a long time. Like since D2D4. And that was in June. I need to kick my own ass for a while.

Have I ever mentioned that my book club kicks ASS? Well it totally does. And you should all be jealous if you’re not in it. But if you do want to be in it, let me know and I’ll add you in J The more the merrier! I’ve met some awesome girls and deepened friendships with friends I’ve already got. This is probably one of the best things I’ve done. It’s so fun to read a book, talk about it, talk about everything ELSE, and eat good food with awesome people. So last night we met for a couple things – first off: to talk about I Am Malala. If you haven’t read this – DO IT. It may make you feel stupid (because this 16 year old girl knows way more than you knew at 16, currently know, and probably will EVER know) and also teach you so much about the culture in Pakistan, Muslim culture, and the fact that the Taliban is an extremist version of Muslim religion. I’ll be honest – I didn’t really know there was a difference. I associated Muslim with Taliban and just ASSUMED that the people of Pakistan were all a part of the Taliban. Not. Even. CLOSE. It will open your eyes to the fact that ONE VOICE can change so much. This girl is so brave – I mean, she left Jon Stewart speechless because he was in so much awe by what she’s done. I was pretty much the same. It just amazes me. The second reason we met last night – was for a dress drive. One of our newbie book club members sent me the link for GirlUp ( and then more information about the Viva Dress Drive. Why wouldn’t you incorporate the strength of Malala with the giving of dresses to girls who can’t afford their own, into one awesome meeting? If anyone has any other dresses (for girls aged 13-22) that you’d like to donate, let me know. I’ll be sending them in within the next couple weeks. It’s such a great idea – because what girl doesn’t want to get dressed up and feel beautiful?

With all these things I’m trying lately, I thought it only fitting to quote some Hemingway today.

“Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.”

Seriously though. Just live your life. Live it to the fullest. Don’t half ass it – what a waste. Whole ass your life. It’s the only way to truly LIVE.

Running in circles, coming up tails,


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