Monday, October 20, 2014

Creative and Crafty

I scratched it. That itch I was talking about? I scratched it. I crafted. And I had FUN. I spent a lot of last week watching the DIY channel and surfing Pinterest (weird) and found a few things I wanted to do. So on Thursday I spent my lunch scouring the city of West Des Moines for everything I needed. I'm still looking for a few things, but all my projects don't need to get done RIGHT NOW. I got some great deals at Goodwill, Dollar Tree and Michael's and headed home. I poured myself a glass of wine, turned on HGTV, and got at it. Toby wanted to help.

And here's what came about after my crafting... TA DA!! 

After an evening full of crafts, I decided to rest my creative brain for the weekend. Friday was celebrated with friends and the newest X-Men movie and my mission to read ALL the X-Men comics. I'm still in the process obviously. Saturday was full of football and friends and an early bedtime. Sunday was my favorite. It was a beautiful fall morning - just a little crisp and a bright, shining sun. The roomie and I walked up to Smokey Row for coffee and breakfast, and on the way home we decided to take a mini walking tour of Sherman Hill. These houses are AMAZING. I want to live in at least 7 of them. And I definitely want to flip at least another 10. Now if only I had that unlimited budget to do so... Instead of flipping a house, I decided to watch other people do so in Flip or Flop (hello HGTV marathon) and relax. Wonderous. Sunday night consisted of the WWE Divas and some cranberry and apple stuffed chicken, purple potatoes and peas. Noms. And then straight to bed. Snore.

Today you guys. It was a hell of a Monday. No thanks. But what I had to look forward to was my first volleyball game in YEARS. I joined the YPC volleyball league and was so nervous. How embarrassing. I used to be pretty good at volleyball - and maybe a little too competitive. I was put on a team with people I didn't know and loved it. My arms are sore and we went 0-3, but it was fun. So my Monday nights will be full of volleyball for the next six weeks. And maybe I'll bust out those spandex. We'll see. And we'll see if I can actually move tomorrow.

Tomorrow I get to hang out with my long-lost gym buddy who just got ENGAGED! Wine night after we both work is going to be wonderful... we've got lots of catching up to do. Better make sure I get plenty of wine after work... don't want to run out!

Well I'm going to flip between The Middle and Kitchen Crashers and see what kind of dreams I end up with. Stay tuned for more creativity coming from me. It's happening you guys. It's happening.


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