Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Time Warp... Friends Forever

You guys. It’s my birthday in less than a month. And let’s be real. I’m not quite as excited about it as I was for my 21st when I could drink (legally). Or my 25th – I could rent a car! Or even my 26th when I FINALLY got to go off my parents insurance (they were pumped.) I think 28 is OFFICIALLY your “late twenties” and that’s kind of a bummer. But no worries. I’m not going to spend my 28th year moping about being old – because I’m not technically OLD. I’m also not going to have a meltdown thinking about where I SHOULD be at this age, compared to where I actually AM. I am pretty damn happy with where I’m at in life. And age is just a number. For real.

When I was in high school, I had it SET in my mind that I would meet my future husband in college, get married as soon as we graduated, and have two kids popped out by the time I was 25. TWENTY FIVE. I was so set on it. And then I realized I was having way too much fun with my friends to worry about settling down and finding a man. And let’s be real (again) – there weren’t many “men” that I met in college. They were all doing the same thing I was – having fun with their friends. Those four years I spent in Ames were hella awesome. I made so many amazing, lifelong friends while I was there. 

Sure, I still have friends from high school – but high school friendships are somewhat forced. You’re in the same activities for enough time that you become friends. After graduation though, a lot of those friendships ended. We didn’t have anything in common anymore. We didn’t play volleyball or softball together for 20 hours a week – we didn’t spend our Friday nights at football or basketball games together. We went our separate ways and literally ran out of things to talk about. But a few friendships from middle school and high school have lasted – or have even been rebuilt. And those are some that I am so thankful for. Friends that have been there for you since kindergarten, since 7th grade, since high school. Those bonds are there forever. Somehow those friendships have remained stronger than ever. Probably because you don’t have to worry about meeting up in between classes at your locker to discuss who got detention or what boy you think is totally cute and how you should TOTALLY ask him to Homecoming. Probably because you’ve grown up TOGETHER and have struggled with this whole adulthood thing together. 

And your college friends. You were from different towns, different states even – and you were FORCED to spend time together in a shitty dorm room, eating crappy dorm food, drinking crappy booze and suffering through your homesickness and terrible class schedule TOGETHER. Facebook was brand new going into college (and the beginning of my super-creeper training) and it was awesome to find people who were living in your building and on your actual FLOOR on there. I’m still great friends with someone I met my first week at Iowa State. After pretty much living together our freshman year and then ACTUALLY living together the next two years, we learned a lot about life together. How guys suck, musicals are some of the best things ever invented, Disney dance parties and photo shoots on Valentine’s Day while you’re single are super embarrassing but also awesome, macaroni and cheese is the best at 2 am, and the fact that sometimes you just need a really good cry watching Garth Brooks videos on repeat for HOURS. Those were the good ol’ days. And yet when we get together now, five years later, things are exactly as they were. 

And those friends that you weren’t friends with for the majority of college for whatever reason – end up being another sister to you. You go through break ups together, make ups together, shitty class schedule, even worse work schedule to top it off, and yet you still have time to eat a whole bag of pistacchios while you watch CSI. You end up being the a bridesmaid in their wedding and you cry as you watch your best friend marry her perfect match in a gorgeous ceremony. Your heart is so full because all you can think about is her happiness. And sometimes they move away from you – but still again, when you get together, things are as they were. And how they always will be.



I didn’t intend for this to get as sappy as it did – and I apologize – I mostly wanted it to be funny so I could compare the plans of my 21st birthday to those of my 28th. Because they are hella different. My 21st birthday consisted of a “formal” house party – meaning heels and dresses (in December) where we played flippy cup, beer pong, and I’m 99 percent positive that keg stands happened in said dresses. There was snow on the ground and I walked through it in my giant Columbia winter coat at midnight to get to the bar on my birthday. I danced barefoot (disgusting) in the basement bar in Ames. The next day I met my family at Hickory Park for my birthday lunch – and I was hungover. And I was 21 and all was right in the world.

For my 28th birthday, I’m going to have a nice, quiet house party – which is in a rented room in our apartment building. After that gets done, we’ll be heading over to Carl’s because why WOULDN’T you go to Carl’s when you can walk there? My outfit plans for the night? Well let’s just say I will not have bare legs, open toed shoes, or spaghetti straps. It’s winter for the love. Plus I have my work holiday party the following night. And I will be surrounded by my amazing friends. Not everyone and their mom at a crowded, sweaty bar after celebrating with the two-for-one shots all night. Gross. 

Does this mean I’m growing up and finally hitting adulthood? Maybe. All the way? I doubt that. Because remember what I said – age is just a number. Your friends and family are forever. They’ve seen you on your 21st birthday while you dance like a fool with your shoes in your purse. They’ve also seen you chug margaritas at their birthday party. They’ve snuggled with you in sweatpants while you order in pizza and watch CSI and refuel for the night to come. It doesn’t matter how old you get. If you’ve got your friends by your side, you have everything in the world.

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