Sunday, March 2, 2014

Start the Countdown. 3... 2...1...

Well it has been a BUSY couple of weeks. I realize that I haven't written since mid-February (and I'm SO SORRY about that) but it has been CRAZY. Like for realz. I've moved into a new place, moved out of my old place, yoga'd my ass off, and still managed to follow my #whole30 trip. I'm pretty impressed with myself.
February has ended and March has began, and all is good. I'm making a new home my own - with a new roommate - and learning how to live with someone again. I mean - I LOVE living alone. It's probably one of the best things ever. You can watch whatever you want, eat whatever you want - and leave it out over night if you want, and at NO POINT while you live alone do you EVER have to wear pants. THAT may be the best part. I'm over a week in with my new roomie and all is good! While picking out new furniture (yipe!) and décor, we found out that we've got pretty similar taste. Which is SUPER convenient.
**TV TIMEOUT: I'm also watching the Oscars and I don't think I breathed AT ALL during Pink's performance of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Wow. Beautiful.
Back to the move...
Moving is a HUGE pain in the ass. Do we all agree? I think EVERY TIME I move - which has been EVERY YEAR SINCE I GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL - I think I should have someone move everything for me. Have I done that yet? Sure haven't. But a big thanks to family and friends who have helped me over the years - hopefully I've paid you in beer/coffee/pizza/breakfast/love enough since you've helped! But NEXT time I move, I will for REAL just hire someone to move my crap. And for real - HOW do you end up with so much accumulated crap over a year? I mean - I would hate to have to do that with a house that's been lived in for 20 YEARS. (Sorry Mom and Dad... I promise I'll come help you if you guys decide to move someday.) It just amazes me. I mean - when I was packing everything up, I had to UNPACK boxes from my closet that hadn't been dealt with since I moved in the year before. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?! So crazy.
Let's see... I'll take a look back at my yoga journey next. I'm currently 13/20 (WAY far behind... I know I know.) But I've got until Friday to get my next 7. Tomorrow night I'm doubling up - so there's 14 and 15... and I've got the next 4 days to get the next 5. I did check someone in to PLY yesterday who had taken 40 CLASSES. Like for realz. I was super impressed. (Apparently I've been "super impressed a lot lately? I don't want to make excuses - but this moving thing certainly didn't help my class attendance. I'd be done by now if I didn't have the move. But I'm all moved now and I can focus on finishing up this challenge. I guess this challenge is a little longer than 30 days (those yogis never can get it done in a timely fashion...) which is totes fine with me. Friday night is our 20/30 Challenge party... which will be so fun. I love this community. They're so fun and community driven. After only being a part of this "community" for less than a year, it feels so much longer than that. I walk in for class and get greeted by name by the instructors, like I've been going there for YEARS. I love how community based they are - and now with my little tie-in to the community, I feel like it's even more a part of me.

After today, I only have THREE MORE DAYS left of my #whole30 challenge. Wednesday is my last day, and Thursday night - I'm going to have a drink. I know I'm supposed to slowly reintroduce certain foods slowly, but part of my wants to eat ALL THE BAD STUFF at once just to get it out of my system. But I definitely don't want to feel like shit either. That would be the worst. My reintroduction will be a longer process - a day with adding in dairy, two days back to my whole30 business, then a day of grains and two more of whole30. I can do this. Three days to go. I'm still feeling good though. I'm sleeping hard - even if I don't sleep as many hours, I'm waking up rested, my pants are fitting well, my complexion is brighter, and I just feel good. I feel proud of myself too. Honestly, I'd love to stick to this. I'd just want to tweak it a little - maybe not cut out grains completely, but definitely cut WAY back. I used to eat pasta multiple times a week, bread DAILY, and yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I would have a lot of sugar - remember, I've been named a Candy Monster - starting first thing in the morning with my coffee (I've gotten used to black coffee), continuing on through morning snacks, lunch, afternoon snacks, dinner, before bed snacks... yeesh. Cutting that sugar out made a HUGE difference. I figured I'd have headaches like whoa - but they never came. Which is pretty stellar.
These last few weeks have been a journey. A true journey. I'm proud of myself - I'm proud of my #whole30 buddy for going through this with me. I can't wait to celebrate with pizza and beer - even if it will make me feel like garbage. I deserve it. We all deserve a little cheat sometimes. I like how it's made me plan - and I'm totally not a planner when it comes to food. That's definitely a big change for me. I'd rather just grab and go - and with this, you really CAN'T do that. You can grab snacks... but never a real full meal. I like the planning aspect - and want to try and keep that up.

I challenge you to try this. It's hard - it's absolutely hard - but I didn't die. I feel BETTER than I did a month ago and that' feels AMAZING. Why not do something like that for yourself? Why wouldn't you want to feel even MORE amazing than you already do? Try it - you'll amaze yourself.

Peace and love,

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