Friday, April 25, 2014

Be Better Campaign: Superheroes 101

All week long I’ve been trying to think of a “theme” for my post. I couldn’t come up with anything witty and I wasn’t feeling clever. I’d used up all my cleverness in an office email dealing with overflowing the coffee pots – “do not waste the nectar of the gods on the counter tops.” That’s all I got. But my wheels have been turning and I’ve been doing some reading. I’ve got the craft-itch (which RARELY happens) and I’m also working on my self-proclaimed “Be Better” campaign… and I’ve somehow come up with an accidental reoccurring theme: Superheroes.

Reason 1: At work, we are launching a new product (and by WE I mean our kick-ass IT team) to help with flexibility of workflow. I mostly know nothing about it – however, I’m in charge of planning the launch party. A few weeks ago, a group of us got together to brainstorm some ideas for this party. Different ideas were thrown around – 80s music, karaoke, dance party, etc. but the one idea that stuck was the idea of comic books. You know – like the POW and BOOM and BIFF in superhero comic books. We could hang those around the office – it would totally work out with our “initiator” new product. And so it began. We are creating a superhero (The Initiator) and our entire theme includes the BOOM and POP with our snacks, décor, and drinks. Our power point presentation will have a superhero/comic book look about it. It’s going to be awesome.

Reason 2: After reading Start Something That Matters, I spent some time looking around the TOMS website – while paying specific attention to the One Day Without Shoes movement ( I wanted to implement this within my office. Some people were skeptical – “gross people not wearing shoes?!” – but others were ALL for it. So after extracting my SRS (Simple Random Sample – I had to look back at exactly what percentage that should be…) from the employees here, I sent out the email. There was a surprising outpouring of support – which is awesome. I also gave people a cop out – if you don’t want to go barefoot, wear socks. If that still freaks your freak, wear shoes and donate to the Food Bank of Iowa (food or cash.) I wanted people to join this movement with me – to do something bigger than themselves. Superheroes in our own right.

Reason 3: My running buddy/fellow blogger/book club cohort is also a superhero. And spreading the word that we are ALL superheroes. Check out her blog and join in the movement.  After reading her post, I decided I wanted in. I wanted to be a superhero. So today, I’m heading to my parents’ to dig through old pictures from my most awkward years and scan them to her and get involved. It would be awesome if you could do the same. Doesn’t every kid (big or small) want to be some sort of superhero? Why WOULDN’T you want to be one?

I think I’ll feel a little like a superhero over the next few days – so much going on, and so little time to do it all. I’ve got a single-mom shift today – 13 hour work day and double jobs, then tomorrow is my day long training for indoor cycling – I’m slightly terrified about this. Sunday – which should be a day of rest – will be anything BUT resting. IT’S RACE DAY!! So I’ll be up bright and early on Sunday morning so I can head over to Drake and find a parking spot (who knows where) so I can run my 10k, head home and shower, then do my 3 hour stint at the yoga studio. After that I’ve got some time to relax, and then I NEED some yoga in my life. After cycling for more than an hour on Saturday and running for over an hour on Sunday… this girl’s legs will NEED some down dog. And next week – will be a SLOW week. And I’m ecstatic. OITNB date night on Monday, work on Tuesday – and NOTHING the rest of the week. Saturday marks Opening Day for the Farmer’s Market and I’m STOKED to get myself a breakfast burrito. And probably a chocolate beer. It just makes me smile to think about it.

My newest read is called Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh – and it’s about Zappos, the online shoe distributer. (Is this another reoccurring theme? Shoes? First about TOMS, and now about Zappos. Interesting…) I wasn’t sure about it at first, but this book is so much MORE than a business model. This is a LIFE model. One part in there really stuck with me – and I think once you have this imbedded into your brain, it will change your LIFE.

“I thought about how easily we are all brainwashed by our society and culture to stop thinking and just assume by default that more money equals more success and more happiness, when ultimately happiness is really just about enjoying life.”

After a conversation during a 5-mile run yesterday, we came to the conclusion that we HATE money. I’d rather do something I love and get paid shitty than do something I hate and make a ton of money. Sure I’d love to be comfortable and never have to worry about money – wouldn’t we all? – but if I hate what I’m doing day in and day out, the money doesn’t even MATTER. I just want to be happy.

“Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself.”

So if you feel like being a superhero, join us in the Evolution of Superheroes and send your pictures and emails to and use “The Evolution of Superheroes” as the subject. If you want to go shoeless on Tuesday the 29th for One Day Without Shoes, send me a picture via text, Facebook, Instagram or email at and use #withoutshoes if you have a Twitter account. You guys are awesome, and you’re ALL superheroes.

Start something that matters,


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