Friday, December 7, 2012

Cat Lady Training and Baking Lesson Number One

Today was a day of lessons.

I learned how to "take care" of a cat today during my training to be a cat companion. This is basically a nice way of saying "you're a cat lady - let me show you exactly how much of a cat lady you are." When I received the email to remind me of my training, it was also addressed to 5 other people. All female. Which leads me to believe that every other female in this training group of mine either has a cat at home already, or is in the process of picking one out during their volunteering time there. Which is fine - I have nothing against cat ladies. Especially since after tonight - I have decided that I really am one. I think I knew that all along - but never wanted to admit it. The first step is admitting you have a problem, after all. My name is Sara - and I am a closet cat lady. Much like I am a closet mean girl - but that's for a different day. Anyway - back to cat lady training. We had a solid group of 6 people - one actually ended up being male, however his wife or girlfriend came with so clearly it was her idea to volunteer together to "build their relationship." Whatever. We received a tour of the facility and got to go back to the "private" areas of the shelter. Smelled a lot like bleach and heard a lot of dogs barking. Then we get to the cat rooms. Yes - rooms. There are THREE different areas for cats, seeing as there are so many of them. Our instructor - who was very awkward, and also seemed to have issues speaking to a large group, also chose the worst cat in the bunch to demonstrate with. "Now make sure you take them under their chest, and if they start biting or fighting with you, leave them alone." He's saying this as the cat is attacking his hand. Then he kept repeating "well you have lots of energy today don't you?" Once he finally put Guard Cat back in his kennel, he said "well that probably wasn't the best one to use as an example." Duh. We knew that as it started meowing and sticking his paws out of the cage. Again - back to what the real issue is here. Me - being a cat lady. Now those of you who know Toby - the lion cub - knows that he doesn't play well with others. Therefore it seemed like a terrible idea for me to be picking up and holding and cuddling multiple cats while I was there. But they were so cute and I wanted to take them all home! I made friends with a ginger girl - not positive of her name, I'm sure I'll learn it at some point - and we kept talking about how our respective cats (she must also be a cat lady) would be so upset if we brought another one home as they both like being "only children." We'll get along great. I'm REALLY excited to continue to volunteer - and on Sunday I have my dog companion training. Then I'll fall in love with even more animals that Toby won't like. He's so jealous and possessive - I think he and I need to have a little sit down chat and discuss this.

Although he probably isn't speaking to me anymore after the Santa suit I purchased for him and put him in tonight. He'll forget by tomorrow. I saw it while I was picking up stuff for Rumchata Cupcakes that I just HAD to get it.

So - Rumchata Cupcakes. Let's first point out that I do NOT bake. There's far too many rules involved and I usually end up having anything I bake be overcooked. There are just so many rules and EXACT measurements  needed that I have a really hard time following directions. I would much rather just throw a bunch of stuff together in the cupboards than follow the exact measurements. Don't get me wrong, I passed Home Ec in 7th grade - an entire quarter of cooking, so I should basically have my own cooking show on the Food Network. However we didn't spend much time on baking and the rules that go along with it. My idea of "baking" is getting a tub of premade cookie dough, putting it on a cookie sheet, and baking them a few minutes too long so it's mandatory to drink milk with them. Or those cut and bake sugar cookies which have the respective holiday on the middle. Again - a little overdone. But I continue to bake them because I think that's really "baking." So when I saw this recipe for Rumchata Cupcakes on Pinterest (most of the recipes, DIY ideas, etc. will probably come from Pinterest - at some point I will probably link these two so you can see the recipes and such that I use) I knew I had to make them. I mean they are made with RUMCHATA. Booze in cupcakes - it's two of the best things in America, as one! Well this is a real life cupcake recipe. Not just "empty contents of box into mixer, add eggs, mix, put in pan, bam - done." This is full of measurements. I had 4 bowls going at once, checking back at the recipe to make sure I didn't mess anything up, and a glass of wine steadily decreasing in volume as I continued baking. I got the cupcakes into the oven - 350 degrees for 20 minutes, easy enough - and started on the frosting. Yes - there was a separate frosting for these things - not just a container of frosting that you spread on. Well I could eat that frosting all day - it's got cream cheese, butter, vanilla, and Rumchata in it. I could make a pudding out of that. Maybe next time.................... but that's beside the point. The cookies looked totally deflated when I pulled them out of the oven - they are currently sitting in the fridge while they cool down before I put the frosting on so the frosting doesn't melt off them. In case you were curious - I did not know that all on my own. It said so on the recipe - I would have slapped the frosting on as soon as I pulled them out of the oven and that would have been a DISASTER.

I'm on my way to check on the cupcakes... I'm actually pretty terrified at what they will taste like. I mean I followed the directions so they should be perfect... just not very pretty. But this is my first baking experience (other than the premade cookies - those won't count anymore) since probably 7th grade so I'm giving myself a little credit. I stepped out of my comfort zone by baking these ridiculous cupcakes - I suppose I could have started out a little easier with something from a box. Nothing like throwing yourself to the wolves in the kitchen! It was pretty great getting critiqued by my mom at least 5 times during the baking process - let me bake my cupcakes and drink my wine, woman! Then you can tell me later how terrible they are. But please don't - please fake it and say they at least taste decent... pretty please!

But that's all for tonight - I'm going to finish my wine, frost these bad boys, and head to bed. After my slow cooker pulled buffalo chicken lunch tomorrow - I'll also go over how good/bad/ugly these cupcakes turned out. I don't think I can handle rejection tonight.

Happy Friday - and I hope you're enjoying these shenanigans that I will be creating for you.

Xoxo... Gossip Girl. Er... Sara

1 comment:

  1. I predict a vitory with the cupcakes. And I'm waiting for a roadtrip post, one that involves a convertible, Brad Pitt, a gun fight, and a happy ending. Destination Tennessee baby.
