Thursday, December 13, 2012

Something Borrowed...

As I was reading the paper earlier this week - yes the actual NEWSPAPER, not just the online version - I came across an article for blogger in the Des Moines area. I thought I was being so creative - but Laura definitely beat me to the punch. And I LOVE her blog. "A Love Letter to a New Year" has some amazing ideas - by starting the first month of your "new year" with a list of things to get done within that month. I definitely love her idea of listing her goals for the year, rather than just spontaneously blogging about them as I have done thus far. I am currently compiling a legit "to-do list" for you all to check out so I am doing on my list. I will continue with spontaneous "to-do's" because, let's be real - those are sometimes the most fun - but I will also have my ongoing list of things to complete over the next year.

I apologize for this being short and sweet, but I'm watching Glee and am having a hard time concentrating. I can't get enough of this damn show! However I do have a little sneak peak at a couple of the new things I will be doing within the next 24 hours...

First of all, I am currently a student at Kosama. A student... is that what I am? I'm enrolled there? I'm paying sixty bucks a month to get my ass kicked on a weekly basis? Anyway - whatever the correct terminology is - I go there. Prior to beginning there in September, I'd always wanted to try something like Kosama or Farrell's, but didn't want to spend the money on it since I worked at a gym and got a free membership that way. So when a Groupon came out for a one month trial at Kosama, I took it. Those 6 am workouts were TERRIBLE, but I went to work feeling great. Sore, yet great since I'd already gotten my workout in for the day and was free to do whatever else I wanted until I went to bed. Which during that time, was about 8 pm because I was completely exhausted. As my month progressed, I couldn't see weight coming off, but I could tell my shape was changing - which was awesome. After my initial month, I signed my life away for another year. So - now that I've finished the back story, I'll get back to my "new" thing. Tomorrow at 5:30 am, I will be attending my first Farrell's class. I'm fairly positive I will die - or at least regret it the rest of the day and weekend, seeing as my instructor tomorrow is also a good friend of mine. So. No matter how bad I want to quit, cry, or vomit, I can't because then she will make fun of me for-e-ver. And I don't really want that to happen. So. Perhaps this will be my last entry - I'm not positive - but I just know that there will be no crying. Other than that, vomitting is allowed.

Second and last of all, on the way to work this morning, I heard a lot of talk regarding the Geminid Meteor Shower. Now I'm not too into space or anything in the cosmos - except for the fact that I am a HUGE fan of the Big Bang Theory so any knowledge I have on the subject is most likely from that show - but I'm still someone who wants to wish on a shooting star. And that is something that I have NEVER done. So - while I'm out of bed at the awful time of night/morning while I'm on my way to Farrell's, I plan on taking a little extra time to watch for a falling star. And if - hopefully WHEN - I see one, I will make a wish on it. This may seem a little adolescent, but I'm actually REALLY excited about it. My fingers are crossed and my alarm is set so I can get up early and hopefully experience two new things so I can put a big X through something new that I've done.

Well that's all for tonight kids - fingers crossed for some great new ideas to come this weekend! And let's hope for some shooting stars so I can finally get my little kid wish!

Early to bed, early to rise - looks like I should already be in bed... woops. How about, the early bird gets the worm? I don't want any worms - just a shooting star and the will to hold back from vomitting in the middle of my workout.


PS this wasn't as short and sweet as I had anticipated. My apologies. Sweet dreams kids :)

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