Sunday, February 9, 2014

7 Days Done. 5 Classes Done. I'm Alive.

Well kids - 7 days down, 23 more to go. I've made it a WHOLE week and haven't died yet. In fact - I feel pretty damn good. I sleep well at night and I wake up well rested. Sure I'd love a glass of wine and a slice of pizza, but it's not killing me. It's making me mo betta. Let's review...

Day 5 (Friday) was a pretty decent day. I tested out my green smoothie recipe again - the one with my frozen kale cubes. HUGE success! Didn't have the chunky part since I'd already cooked it and liquefied it - plus then once I put it back in the blender, it got even more liquefied. Lunch proved a little difficult seeing as we got biscuits and gravy with mashed potatoes for lunch. When I ordered that I hadn't planned on not being able to eat the potatoes, biscuits, or chicken and veggies in the dairy-filled broth. I had a meeting at the beginning of lunch so I missed out on the first smells of the pans opening, and I decided I should do 20 minutes on the elliptical before trying not to eat EVERYTHING in site. I came back in time to see it all put away - grabbed myself some veggies and a salad and warmed up my burger patty. Boom. Made it through. Oh - and it was Girl Scout cookie season. A few people at work have kids selling them, and of course they brought some to work to sell. I wanted to buy 20 boxes and just put them in my fridge until March, but I just don't know about my self control. After work - I didn't get called in, woop woop! - I decided to head to a sculpt class. My ass was still sore from the Power 2 on Thursday - and this made it NO better. I sweat my ass off in class number 3 and then headed home for dinner. I made another green smoothie with kale cubes, cranberries, banana and strawberries, another hamburger, and an apple and my dinner was made. Noms. After a lazy night of watching the Opening Ceremonies and realizing I don't remember anything from high school history/geography, I slept like a baby.

Day 6 (Saturday) I cooked up a couple eggs and had a banana with a cup of coffee and then headed to a Power 2 before I worked my 3 hour stint at the yoga studio. It was more of a Bikram style class - holding poses longer, more breathing, all that business. But it was awesome. I can feel my hamstrings stretching out which makes me happy. All this yoga is clearing my mind, stretching my body and making me feel overall BETTER. Once I finished up there I headed home for some lunch - another spinach salad with tuna, egg and cucumber. Toby seemed to like my salad too - as he couldn't keep his little nose away. I even shared a couple bites with him. After a couple episodes of Dexter, a shower and a little cat nap, I grabbed a quick dinner of  a hamburger (only one more I swear), an apple and almonds and then headed to work. It was a slow night - but once I was home (early) then I headed to bed. There was a party going on upstairs (weird) so it took me a bit to fall asleep. I set my alarm for 8:00 and figured I'd sleep till I woke up.

Day 7 - today! I woke up and was functioning after 7 am and even got some laundry started. It's amazing how rested you can be after eating well and working out. Who knew! I got to meet my lovely Creston lady who's in town training for her new job. We spent some time at Starbucks catching up - over my Blonde roast, no cream or sugar. I'd had a small breakfast - egg scramble with salsa - and was starting to get pretty hungry. After we were done with cawfee tawk (coffee talk - get it?) I headed to the store to pick up some essentials for the week. I picked up some ground turkey, sweet potatoes, peppers, apples, spinach and cauliflower. My #whole30 buddy and I made some turkey burgers today with red peppers, garlic and spinach and some spicy cauliflower "rice." We had a little fruit salad with strawberries and banana - plus some pineapple flavored coconut water, way better than plain coconut water. After an episode of OITNB, I headed to class at 4. Another kick ass sweat session put on by my new yogi (DEFINITELY make a trip downtown for his class... I promise you won't regret it!) and back to watch some Dexter and write to you! I haven't decided what I'd like for dinner yet - I had an apple and a big water after getting back. What I'd really like is some veggies and dip - I realize I can't have the dip portion, but it does sound pretty good. Maybe I'll mix up some red pepper, sweet potato, hamburger and... eggs? With a side of green beans? We'll see. I should probably shower first.

My #whole30 buddy and I have discussed "what happens next" once we're done with our 30 days. Obviously I'll have a glass of wine, and maybe a slice of pizza - but then what? (Whoa - just realized I wrote that at the beginning too. Freudian slip...? Maybe?) I like the way I feel with the food I'm eating, I like the fact that I feel so good after working out and sleeping so well. I can tell that these next 23 days are going to make me BETTER - mentally, physically, emotionally.

"I am just striving to be more me than I have ever been."

I want to be more me. Maybe this eating healthy and working out thing is more ME than I've ever thought. So why not? Why not try.

5/20 - #PLY2030
7/30 - #whole30

Be YOU, and I'll be ME


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