Saturday, February 15, 2014

Don't Worry, Be Happy.

Well kids - I'm on Day 13 and still feeling awesome. I've got 8 yoga classes down and I had a co-worker tell me my face was looking thinner. All wins? For. Sure. I've eaten lots of fruit this week, a little more veggies and some protein - not nearly as many eggs as last week. I had a couple crappy salads, so disappointing, and an even MORE disappointing Friday lunch of a poor excuse for a taco salad. I couldn't eat the refried beans, cheese, sour cream, rice, or taco shells - so I had chicken, lettuce, and salsa. Womp womp. But whatevs - later that afternoon I was craving a smoothie, and searched EVERYWHERE around town for a place that made them without yogurt. I finally remembered that Fuel made them without and I got SUPER excited - probably too excited for a smoothie - but it totes made my day. Acai berries, pomegranate, banana and blackberries. NOMS.

Friday (Day 12) was the first day I actually had a craving for something. I wanted a cookie so damn bad. Or a piece of cake. Or some chocolate. SOMETHING. Sure I've had plenty of sugar with the fruit I've eaten this week, but not the kind of sugar I wanted.  I wanted the sugar that was BAD for me. I know it's bad for me - but it still sounded so good. I wanted a 500 calorie cup of coffee with caramel and milk and foam and yum. But black coffee will do.

As far as my yoga practices this week, those have been amazing. On Tuesday I went to a sculpt class (died), on Wednesday I went to a Power 2 class - and it was amazing. A lot more spiritual than a lot of the classes I go to, it really helped me to be in the NOW, to be positive and present. To go between ease and effort. These classes really do open up my eyes to what's going on around me - sure that hour of class may be a time to escape what's going on outside, but it's also an hour for me to focus on ME. And so I did. I focused on me. I went deeper into poses than I have before and tried new poses I hadn't done before either. Always ways to improve MYSELF.

I got to celebrate Valentine's Day with my love - and got to eat a bacon wrapped filet. It was SO DELICIOUS I want to eat another one right now. Sure it came with a baked potato and a piece of garlic bread that I couldn't eat, but I had a little salad before to help tide me over. Once I inhaled that filet, I had no cravings. I didn't need any chocolate or cookies or cake. Although I did have a dream the other night that I ate red velvet cake and felt SO guilty about eating it. You'll have that right?

This week I totes clichéd out - went to Whole Foods on my lunch and started reading It Starts with Food. I grabbed a salad with random healthy stuff on it - and read my book. I'm sure people were judging, but I don't care. This book is pretty interesting - makes you think about all the different stuff you put in your body and how it affects you. It's pretty amazing. And then makes me feel guilty about the shit I put in my body - that sugar is yummy and I love it - but ouch.

Remember all these things. I like the way they sound. Just be frickin happy. Just do it.
8/20 #PLY2030
13/30 #whole30
Don't worry, be happy.

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