Thursday, February 6, 2014

Impossible? Nah - I'm Possible.

Four days down. It's not terrible. Let's reminisce...

On Day 3, I woke up KNOWING that it had been snowing all night and that I’d have to clean my car off in the morning. I also thought my building knew that it had been snowing all night so I was surprised when I went out to clean off my car that the sidewalks and stairs had NOT been cleared off. Plus – the plows had come through, so there was a nice area of roughly a foot that had accumulated at the base of the stairs. Wonderful. I slow motion Tebow-ed into the snow after getting to my car and once I’d cleared it all off I kicked snow away from the tires that the plows had pushed around. Thought I’d be golden. Wrong. That snow got packed and I got stuck. Little Red got herself stuck at a 45 degree angle to the curb and as I was throwing a tantrum (in the car) and getting ready to climb out to scoop myself out, a nice man from down the street told me to get in the car and he’d help me push. Then another nice man was driving by, pulled his car over and got out and helped. Faith in humanity restored. Thanks good Samaritans!

Breakfast consisted of black coffee (tasted like poop) and switched out for some lemon tea, an apple, banana and a hard boiled egg. And I was generally full until it was time for lunch. I headed to the gym for a 30 minute elliptical ride and started a new book – Gang Leader for a Day. Pretty intense so far. I can’t wait to keep reading it. After the gym I headed back to the office for some more work and some lunch. I had some leftover hash from the night before (if it has “hash” in the name I’m going to eat it) and some green beans. The hash was seriously still as good as it was the night before. Making that again FO SHO.

Dinner was supposed to be a birthday celebration at the Olive Garden. I seriously LOVE the OG and the carbs that live there. All you can eat breadsticks, bottomless pasta – I probably would have cried walking in there and just SMELLING that. I searched the menu to find something I could eat and settled on an Chicken Breast with Apricot on top and veggies. It’s a good thing we didn’t go – a girl at work said it probably would have had extra sugar. Didn’t even cross my mind. Looks like I’ll just have to be one of those people who asks “what’s in this” when ordering so I make sure I don’t slip up. Instead of the delicious OG, I ended up with spicy sausage links, a garbage salad (eggs, olives (I ate a couple!), bacon, apple) and a banana. I had some mixed nuts as well as an unsweetened tea before bed. Normally I hate unsweetened things – but they’re growing on me. I have a DEFINITE sweet tooth, but I also have a salt tooth (is that a thing?) so I like switching it up with chips AND candy. Noms.

I didn’t sleep well the night before – probably because I drank non-decaf coffee WAY too late, or because I watched an episode of Dexter. Could be a combination of the two. But I have faith that my sleep habits will only get better as the weeks progress. As far as workouts go, I have worked out in some form for the last 5 days. I like how I feel.

And now on to Day 4. I woke up feeling RESTED. Which is awesome. I didn't even go to bed early and sleep in late. I slept a normal amount and woke up actually feeling ready for the day. I got to work at a decent time AND had breakfast and lunch ready. This #whole30 thing may actually be working. Breakfast consisted of black coffee, a banana, an apple, and mixed nuts. Kept me pretty full. Lunch was a spinach salad with tuna, cucumber and egg. Definitely something to eat again. It was so filling! And so easy.

After work I hit up class 2/20 - a Power 2 class. I haven't taken a Power 2 in a long time... and this one totally kicked my ass. I was dripping in sweat, with shaky legs and dead arms when I left. I may make that a weekly trip. And I may have caught a little pneumonia on my way back - probably doesn't help that I was soaking wet and walked outside in the negative degree weather back to my place. Whatevs. Worth it.

And then it was time for dinner. And I was STARVING. After searching for recipes (thank you Pinterest) I found a recipe for some sweet potato hashbrowns with eggs in the middle. Figured I could use up a half a sweet potato and a couple eggs with that. And over my lunch I found some chicken sausages with spinach in them - so I cooked one with it. It was seriously effing amazing. Maybe it's just because I was starving, or maybe it's because I'm an awesome chef. We'll go with that one. Also - I tried making kale chips. They were the worst thing ever. I threw them away. It made me want to die. I don't know what I did wrong, but damn. Those were nasty. And then I decided to cook some kale and then liquefy it so I can freeze it, and try it in my smoothie in the morning. Details to come.

In class today (while getting my ass kicked) I also had my mind working. We talked at the beginning of class about aspirations. An aspiration is a hope or ambition of achieving something. The example he gave is PERFECT for right now for me. Take a word - let's use "impossible." Change that into a hope or ambition - and you get to "I'm Possible." This #whole30 is not impossible, it's totally possible. And these 20/30 classes are totally possible. Don't forget to dwell in possibility.

I need to keep searching for recipes - maybe some ricing cauliflower this weekend... could be fun. Suggestions are ALWAYS welcome. Just remember the stipulations: no dairy, no sugar, no grains, no white starches, no alcohol (sob). And as my mother said when I told her we were cooking a healthy meal she said “so you’re having water??” Rude. We had some tasteless tea as well!

Day 4/30: check. #whole30
Class 2/20: check. #PLY2030

Good luck to my #whole30 warriors… WE CAN DO THIS!

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